Category: Aarohi Campus

  • Divided by Subjects, United by Knowledge

    Divided by Subjects, United by Knowledge

    Can we break our knowledge into subjects? What happens when we imbibe the knowledge without these boundaries? Let’s explore

  • Exposure-Exploration-Collaboration – Ikigai of Learning

    Exposure-Exploration-Collaboration – Ikigai of Learning

    Exposure sparks curiosity, and what ignites our interest becomes the fuel for exploration. Collaboration shapes and aligns the exploration to our learning goals.

  • The Art of Listening Vs Hearing – Experiential Learning

    The Art of Listening Vs Hearing – Experiential Learning

    We often do not notice the profound difference between Listening & Hearing in our world filled with constant noise and distractions. Here is a snippet of Experiential Learning through Reflection For one of our Reflection Activities during Thought Club at our campus of open learning, we all shared our thoughts/ experiences/ awareness about Hearing Vs…

  • Conquering Fears : “A Journey Through Rock Climbing”

    Conquering Fears : “A Journey Through Rock Climbing”

    We embarked on a thrilling journey through the rugged & raw landscapes as we explored outdoor rock climbing. We also explored the sheer joy of scaling heights, the natural beauty of nature, and the rawness that only outdoor can offer. ~ We planned in detail about having a safe & enjoyable experience for all.~ We…

  • Menu Making Day

    Menu Making Day

    It was just a lazy and casual breakfast talk on a Sunday morning. It all started with one kid asking “what is the lunch for today?”. I put that same question back.  We were looking forward to see what menu we can decide for that day but ended up making whole week’s menu together. It…

  • Let’s Bake

    Let’s Bake

    Food is one thing that brings people together and my learning is any bake be it cakes/ cookies/ breads/ any savouries not only touches the senses but soul too 😊 Baking is more than just another activity of putting ingredients together and waiting for outcome. I learn a lot with each baking and see how…

  • Can a campus teach?

    Can a campus teach?

    In the spirit of  Open campus the campus development in itself has been (and continues to be) a huge learning opportunity for us. Children, parents, local people, various experts from different fields (architecture, design, construction, rain water harvesting etc) all are involved in collectively creating a campus that itself teaches. Making of the campus began with a thought,…

  • All Hands Matter

    All Hands Matter

    Regardless of age or knowledge or position or role everyone has the capacity to do anything and everything they want to do and make a huge difference to themselves and whole community. Everyday at Campus ,we see various hands working together to make a thing happen in any activity be it the carpentry, gardening, experiments,…

  • Story of  Generosity – Making of campus

    Story of Generosity – Making of campus

    Making of Aarohi campus is not complete without talking about Deb Uncle and many other well wishers who contributed to make this campus happen.The campus is created with crowd funding – started with land and the story of generosity Aarohi started in June 2009 in Geniekids Indiranagar center, Bangalore. One year after starting, we realized…

  • A Visit to Fire Station

    A Visit to Fire Station

    One kid randomly asked “how about visiting Fire Station” as we were discussing about going for Outdoors. At Aarohi, Outdoor refers to visiting any space to explore, meet people and know about the process/ people. Also we used to discuss Fire at Safety Training sessions in Campus. We collectively made a plan with dialing contact…

  • Fear and Children

    Fear and Children

    Fears often multiply more with collective anxiety that a group of people experience together with lots of questions/ fears triggered by various factors such as uncertainties, health upsets, external situations or challenges. Recently we had this amazing period of 10-12 days at Aarohi Campus where out of 6 people four were partially/ fully sick and two…