children visiting fire station

A Visit to Fire Station

One kid randomly asked “how about visiting Fire Station” as we were discussing about going for Outdoors. At Aarohi, Outdoor refers to visiting any space to explore, meet people and know about the process/ people. Also we used to discuss Fire at Safety Training sessions in Campus.

We collectively made a plan with dialing contact numbers from internet, talked to them and expressed our wish to explore Fire Station and talk to personnel there. We were welcomed by firefighters and staff at Fire Station and they shared with us information about their operations, vehicles and equipment used.

Firefighting apparatus consists of pumps, different hoses, ropes, ladder, overhead tank, aerial platforms, extensions for every equipment, rescue operation materials, equipment to handle hazardous materials etc. All fire engine vehicle consists of storages for equipment on all the sides of the truck which will be divided as per the rescue operations performed. Natural calamities like floods, earthquake equipment has different storage than snake catching. Even as fire is divided into Class A, B, C, D even the storages are arranged in that way.

All firefighters are equipped with training that includes simulations of various emergency scenarios, skill development in firefighting techniques, and ongoing education to keep personnel up-to-date on the latest procedures and technologies.

We were surprised to know the response times are as quick as within 10 seconds of emergency call.

Fire stations play a crucial role in providing rapid and organized response to emergencies. Their presence and preparedness contribute significantly to the well-being and safety.

As we headed back, we were just reflecting upon their teamwork, response time, selfless service they do, the expertise they exhibit, real experiences they had and we had nothing but GRATITUDE for their service. They are HEROES of REAL LIFE.