Author: admin
Outdoor to Sri Nanjundeswara hills @ Kelamangalam:
Outdoor to explore Nature around us: We searched and connected with locals to find a place to ‘trek or do rock climbing’, Our search told us that there are temples to climb (many on the hilltops). So we settled with one temple to Sri Nanjundeswara hills. One of them went for Reiki trip with some…
Self Feedback
At the campus, experiences come in many different forms. This week we traced the skills and analyzed if we needed to reduce or increase any activities or change our schedule. Our analysis showed us that,rather than spending time on unwanted stuff which is not adding value in our development,all we need to do isdevelop efficiency,…
Tic Tac Toe
We all play games – we at Aarohi also use games to reflect and add value in our learning journey. We played Tic-Tac-Toe in many different forms. We used the game to explore various skills we used the various works we did, what all we need to develop and what all we already have. The…
telling a lie
Telling a lie Introduction: i am the pmo of aarohi (publicity media officer, I am 12yrs old). And i have taken an interview of some parents and children in aarohi. And as you know i am writing about what people feel and what kind of thoughts come in their mind when somebody lies or they…
Needs and Feelings
Bad News – Bad feelings for each other over some of the behaviors – “He took my stuff without asking me. He pushed me. He was teasing me. He was namecalling me. He was interfering with my work. He did not listen to me…” Good news – Opportunity to understand “needs and wants”. And explore…
An open letter to Teachers
Teachers impact children’s life to a great extent. Does teaching happens from textbooks or from books of life. In that case are we all not the student in class of life? Let’s all the life in the same room of class.
“Camping” was the word where it all began. Two of them started dreaming and just talking about it. With every conversation, their dream became bigger. Finally, they started planning – invited more people to join, wrote notices with details. And finally, they began. Few more joined. They tested tents, made safety notes, planned food, and…
Meaningful Conversation
Meaningful conversation in Our Jaatre – The purpose to experienceConversation which adds value to me, to othersConversation which helps in knowing my friends more and deeperConversation which connects me with others Peer group of 7 to 45 formed a group and pondered on questions “What is education? Is caring is the only way to respect…
AKD – Estimation
AKD special – Estimation.We use Estimation on daily basis – how much to cook? How much to buy? How to plan our day? How much profit? Why my idea will sell? Where to invest? – we estimate based on our experience or data available or analysis.Estimation is a skill we introduced in Jatre for AKD.…
Jatre – Bus Donation
Art of asking in Jatre on Bus donation.We have a bus for our library, we need money for the bus. So what do we ask for? We explored the power of persuasion.Add Pathos (emotions).Add Logos (logic)Add Ethos (credibility) Just a small amount (Logos)When you visit, you can also visit (Ethos)This bus is good, had good…
Under a tree
Lie down under a tree – Observe 50 new things. Look for lines, patterns, life, designs, feelings, thoughts and beyond….and write what you feel like aboutthe tree. A poem, a letter, a note or a story.
Maths Games – Fraction
Played the game of Rummy with Fraction. Initial reactions were “let’s play the same game as we played last time”. Last week we played the Rummy with addition.But we when discovered that 1/2 is same 2/4 or 4/8, the game of RUmmy became interesting. We played and played. Games to play using playing cards -
Open any pageHighlight some wordsRewrite themAnd a poem is ready.And top it with some poetry reading, Just the perfect recipe for an afternoon magic of one!
What is Profession
Community Jatre, to connect to explore “profession”. To help community connecting to understand the process and role of parents/ facilitator to go deeper into the concept of a profession.To facilitate the process of “what profession you are in NOW” the community came together. We began with pondering – What does the word ‘profession’ mean to…
Jatre – Radiation
Bad News – Dome hall heating up. Good news – We understood about radiation The need to understand about ‘Radiation’ came from the need to make our Dome cooler. IT ALL INSIDE ME”. Yes its all about me and my experiences. A Jatre on radiation – where all the answers came from kids, most of…
Counselling Circle – Peer Support
Bad News – One child received several concerns – Abusive language, Teasing, Pranks, Shouting at parents, Taking other’s stuff without taking permission, Misuse of laptop/internet, Touching others inappropriately Good News – We get the opportunity to explore peer support! Five kids from the community came forward to be part of a ‘counseling circle’. This…
Falling Sick
Bad news – Few kids falling sick very frequently Good news – Opportunity to understand food and health. The journey began with questioning “do we know how does food gives energy?”. Hmmm…only the discovery about food digestion, nutrition absorption by blood cells led to the understanding role of food in our growth. So when we…
My Profession
What is your profession? Often the profession is considered when one “grows” up. Often kids say “when I grow, I will become”…question to ponder “are they not something today?” Some of the kids are at the basic level of various interest like sports, chess, sketching, reading, gardening, crafting, painting, science, cooking and so on…and some…
Salt in Kitchen Chemistry
Salt and its magic in the magic of one. Observation, prediction and experimenting in our kitchen – Food with or without salt, Cooking with or without salt, Metal and salt, Oil and salt, Salt and its sources, Different kinds of salt, Salt in history – Just a pinch of salt in our day to explore…
Images – Same or Different
What will happen if you think about you as ‘lazy’ and you think that others also think that you are ‘lazy’ and also you are fine others thinking you as ‘lazy’? Now think that you think you as lazy’ and you think that others think that you are ‘active’ and also you want are others…
A spark
A little spark, A reason, A need – that’s all is about learning and living at Aarohi. The occasion of Ayudha Puja was enough for us to make a show on our resources and understand ‘reverence’. Each one shared one resource with stories and added drama. Stories of a Paint brush, Cello tape, Torch, Broom,…
My Travel – My KAA
Travel is an amazing learning opportunity. Wondered, how one decides where to travel and why? We began with a dream to travel to a place of our own needs, choices, and planning. Often when we travel in the group for our outstation trips, they have a mixed bag of choices -some are mine, but some…
My Voice – Biscuits
The need of more biscuits was raised in My Voice. My voice is an exercise to express thoughts, concerns, a suggestion in a forum! Two kids raised in my voice “Increase the numbers of biscuits from three to six in milk timings”. Currently, we have a restriction of max three biscuits. Based on options we…
Understanding Government
A trip toTown Panchayat office was enough to understand many civic chapters. Themore important was to understand the working around our area – who arranges for the water? who is responsible for electricity? Who builds roads? How is garbage collected? What is govt around us? GOverenmnt is a very broad term, we never get to…
Jatre – Toilet
Bad news – Stinking toilets due to lack of flushing water. Good news – We got the opportunity to explore toilet plumbing and understand consequences of our actions! We surveyed toilet plumbing and re-discovered that when we do not flush, it affects the plants (urine goes directly to trees, so mixing water is important). To…
Jatre – Baul Singing
Baul singing, with Arpita. Boul, the word comes from wind (vatul) and mad (bawara). She made it very easy for the kids and all of us to understand about the Baul. Her interaction and presentation instilled curiosity among the kids of all ages to know more about it. Baul is an oral tradition, coming from…
We all are Magnets
We all are magnets. We attract people by our actions, the work we do, what we speak, how we speak, by our thoughts, by our style, my identify me ( caste, brands, position, religion, name ). We all are living magnets. We can decide what we want to attract.This week’s planning began with “what do…
joy of pets
Joy of pets Introduction of our pets: We have many kind of pets like fishes, dogs and cats. Normally they are really fun to live with and the do not trouble you too much. But sometimes i guess you will have to get out of your lazy mood take care of them. The names of…
Visit to TNEB
We use electricity, we use it in many different ways. Electricity has become an important resource to live e life.Wondering where does it comes from? A trip to electricity board gave an insight into this vital element of our lifestyle. Visit to Tamilnadu state electricity board– The officer shared that it is a 33kva power…
Learning in Small Things
Learning in small things we do.Daily diet – A word or a quotation or a law or a puzzle. It begins with choosing a word which I don’t know. Then go ding meaning, then the usage then the similar words than the word in different languages. The quotations also start with choosing a quotation. The…