Travel is an amazing learning opportunity. Wondered, how one decides where to travel and why? We began with a dream to travel to a place of our own needs, choices, and planning. Often when we travel in the group for our outstation trips, they have a mixed bag of choices -some are mine, but some are not mine. MY KAA brings an opportunity to plan and travel completely with my needs. The dream is beautiful!
Impelemntaion is not so romantic.
The first realization – which place? How do I decide which interest (I have many), how do I find a place? How do I reach out to the exact place of my choice? Clouds of ‘is this possible?
But the journey is beautiful – Just one mind map, just one session on exploring how to reach out to our dreams has begun the process. Most of us have moved one step ahead in our planning.
Imagine Aarohi where we don’t make learning easy, we make it challenging!