We all are magnets.
We attract people by our actions, the work we do, what we speak, how we speak, by our thoughts, by our style, my identify me ( caste, brands, position, religion, name ).
We all are living magnets. We can decide what we want to attract.This week’s planning began with “what do we want to attract?”
Hope, Animosity, Kindness, Enemies, Trust, Persistence, Sympathy, Hatred, Efficiency, Courage, Friends, Disease, Love, Care, Health, New perspective, Knowledge, Freedom, Intelligence, Relationship, Respect, Humility…. we can choose to attract what we want to!
Beliefs lead to Attraction or Repulsion Some of the images….
Images lead to judging
Talking makes friends
Working gives satisfaction
I can’t make friends
I am the best
I can’t-do anything which is tough
Nobody is perfect
It’s tough to remove images
My hand pain if I write
I don’t think while working
I believe thinking is tough
Only thing which interest me are fun for me