What is your profession? Often the profession is considered when one “grows” up. Often kids say “when I grow, I will become”…question to ponder “are they not something today?”
Some of the kids are at the basic level of various interest like sports, chess, sketching, reading, gardening, crafting, painting, science, cooking and so on…and some of them keep adding various interest in the list as they go along. While some of the interest they will continue to explore at the basic level, while some they can experience to take it to advanced level. To facilitate to move on to next level (beyond basic level) we explored the concept of the profession.We began with the understanding that there are many professions – Doctor, Engineer, Soccer player, Cricketer, Artist, Designer, Model maker, Inventor, Chess player, Teacher, Lawyer, Tailor, Business, IT, Software, Cricketer, Gardener, Chess learner, Designer, Inventor are some of them.
To understand the difference between profession and hobby, we explored what and how does one work for their profession – Time, commitment, training, learning on the job, solving problems.
We rated ourselves in our profession (our interest) – Beginner, intermediate, Advanced and professional!
We choose our profession for this term – chess player, designer, tailor, chess, footballer, artist, cricketer, baker, inventor, designer.
We made our own profession’s mind map for this term with – self-commitment, resources required, roadblocks, solutions, skills required/have.
One can change the profession or continue with the same in next term. We shared how we have changed our professions – electrical engineer, advertising, facilitator, gardener. Poet, Architect, Manager, Training telemarketing, homemaker, facilitator, PCB designer, IC layout designer, facilitator :).