Search results for: “yashas”

  • Story of Yashas

    Yashas, His journey of language proficiency is interesting – began with struggling some years back and now as if out of nowhere, he is quite comfortable with both reading and writing – especially reading. His vocabulary is growing and spellings required to write clearly are increasing. He likes to do projects alone. When it comes…

  • My Journey – Yashas

    Showing interest in football, construction, athletics, wall climbing, rock climbing, sessions conducting, water sports, few childhood games, art, electrical, business, bird watching, and gardening. An active, hardworking, organized, inspiring child who likes beauty in work and things and understand feedback. Showing interest in painting, construction, sports, adventure, photography, theatre and electronics. He likes to do…

  • Rigor in Open Learning

    There is a myth that open learning means an “easy path”. And these myths get busted when you meet some of the young learners at AarohiDhrupad,15yrd old is meticulously training himself to be a professional footballer – he knows that he is not there, he needs to develop the skills and he is working on…

  • Creations with Community

    Monica is 9yrs old, She likes history and a few more like history. They all came together and formed a history club. Shikha is 13yrs old, She likes to observe and absorb nature, she does in her own space Advay is 9yr old, He has been learning electronics and wanted to share with others and…

  • Clubbing

    Any group of people can form CLUBS and follow this informally in their own time and schedule. The journey was different for everyone Yashas Says, “I enjoyed playing and practicing football with different people. I was feeling lonely when people were not coming to my club. I was feeling achieved when I was playing and…

  • In Neighbourghood

    So the story began with reviewing and reflecting in the month of May.We realized that it’s time start working on neighbourhood relationship. We planned to reach out to them through our collective skills of the community. Thsi year, last week of September was dedicated for that. Due to some or other commitments this again got…

  • Gadget and Fasting Proposal

    Often when we see a problem – either we ignore, or we find our own solutions. When it comes to finding solution for children, adults normally suggest a solution – the key is to involve kids in solving their problems. Often when we involve them, understanding of any topic becomes that much deeper. This time…

  • Rock Climbing Demo

    ‘Rock climbing’ name was itself enough to evoke various emotions and reactions at Aarohi – some were scared, some felt inadequate, some want to do it, some felt excited. Demo session with Koushik and knowing basic nitty-gritty of rock climbing helped in settling various emotions. All wanted to give it a try. Some began with…

  • Learning live

    Each week, few kids take part in conducting various sessions… Dhrupad, 11yrs old in daily diet…bringing different puzzles including visual. Keeping interest alive with discussing in planning and thought club. Pratyaksh, 11yrs old conducting thought club sessions on REthinking – should we have coaching or not, how to rethink on what we already think.Brought different…

  • Create a self-directed learning environment

    Self-Directed learning provides a deep understanding of self. This connection with helps to live the life of a direction. Can we provide such environment to children which foster self directed learning?

  • Bird Race 2016

    Annual bird race was less of a race and more of a pure joy of bird-watching. Its an event where we spend 12 hours – 6am to 6pm – looking for as many different species within Bangalore.The event ended with a get together, different birders sharing their experiences and some small speeches by eminent birders.…

  • Train Safety

    Recently we got a concern mail from a parent who accompanied few kids to travel by train. This brought an opportunity for us to review and be aware of role in safety. We read the mail together and analyzed the current situation of the codes as follows.. Train security codes – we analyzed the current…

  • My learning

    Twochildrenworking on making candles. As they started their journey, they started give us videos, I saw Yashas boiling candle etc. the question that what if you were inaworldthat you had to make this candle- what name would you give, how would you have made, what all process you would have used. Would you havemade the…

  • Theft @ Campus

    Last week on Saturday, we had theft at the Campus. Two people used knife to take away money, jewellery, mobile, and credit cards from Vishal’s brother and sister in-law (they were visiting the campus) at 6:30 in the evening, Vishal, his brother, bhabhi, nephew and Astha went through the whole incidence. Namrata and Samarth were…

  • Varlakshmi @ Campus

    One personOne lightOne idea And that is what we had for Varlakshmi celebration at the campus. Leela, mother of Yashas joined us at the campus to share her style of celebration of Varlakshmi (live station @ Aarohi). It was less about religion (for me) and more about the way things happened. One coconut and it…