Each week, few kids take part in conducting various sessions…
Dhrupad, 11yrs old in daily diet…bringing different puzzles including visual. Keeping interest alive with discussing in planning and thought club.
Pratyaksh, 11yrs old conducting thought club sessions on REthinking – should we have coaching or not, how to rethink on what we already think.Brought different ideas to look at coaching. With peace and patience conducting.Session on how to reflect using Histogram….clear, confident and well planned.
Planning session by Siddu, 12yrd old…..came with thought, participating and involvement in discussion. Communicated with clarity and confidence to the group. He brought various tool to help in detailing our planning and think deeply.
Shiva, 8yrs old conducting music jam ….he rejected and selected ideas after listening to different music. Finally brought music….. water, forest, peace, prayers, Mozart, guitar, Kannada, Tamil. We prayed, we sang, we danced, we created music with water, explored guitar and simply listened to music.
Morning fitness, …well designed session by Vaibhavi, 10yrs old. It was no less than any adult could conduct a session. She put in hours of preparation to deliver this session. This is how anyway any adult would do. Felt grateful after session….learning and participating with her.
Learning from outdoor to Akshaya patra began when Davin, 12yrs old started finalising the place…..first understanding from mail, responding, understanding what all can be done, writing script to talk, calling and understanding about the place, direction to reach place and again communicating through mails and phone.
Imagineaarohi that is not a restaurant,rather akitchen.We have no dish to offer. We do not serve our children any learning on a platter. We aren’t cooking to satisfy the children.We’re like akitchen: Raw material and tools (resources) of all kinds are available. Children are challenged to cook for themselves, to create own learning, to explore, experiment for own reasons, to satisfy own hunger.