Yashas, His journey of language proficiency is interesting – began with struggling some years back and now as if out of nowhere, he is quite comfortable with both reading and writing – especially reading. His vocabulary is growing and spellings required to write clearly are increasing. He likes to do projects alone. When it comes to working in a group he struggles, finds it difficult to convey his thoughts and also understands others’ thoughts. Finds it difficult to think about how others do not necessarily have the same preferences and sometimes there would be conflict because he wants to do things in another way as compared to others. He has done very less formal mathematics, but his calculations are just perfect, he has his own methods to calculate.
He loves working with the earth and he works for hours in the sun – this allows him to play and practice sports for hours, work in a garden, or any outdoor activity for hours without any complaints. When a problem comes he finds it difficult to think solutions, He finds it difficult to follow instructions and follow other’s points of view. At Aarohi we challenge him with doing tasks in different ways, detail out the work, find information from various sources – he struggles but when he does, he discovers the genie inside him.