Category: drupal-import

  • Magical Words

    Words are all around us – Let’s play with them. Each day for 15 minutes we just played with words – looked for words from newspaper, rhyming words, words we know or don’t know – very simple and common activity, but worth repeating it many times.

  • Helping Children Cope with FEAR

    Its amusing that the first response most of us give to children – when they express any fear is, “There is nothing to be afraid of!” Take a moment to think about this – how would such a response help you if you as an adult have any fears. Forget being helpful such a response…

  • New Games Everyday

    Give some empty cans, few stones and see the magic. No instructions, no designs. Just simple play. We played Bowling with stones – the idea was to just create our own games.

  • Our food and Awarenss

    Just one chart in our dining area created joy of exploring ‘which vitamin am I eating today?’. After realizing what all vitamins we are eating, we started wondering ‘which vitamins in rice?” We are exploring what are we eating and what goes in our food…it is not something we can do in one session or…

  • Impromptu

    Festivals brings joy at Aarohi, sometimes we do elaborate planning and celebrate. Sometimes we just do impromptu. Janmasthmi was one of the impromptu celebration. One child arranged for toffees, another one hanged in the basket (Krishna’s pot), one lighted the Diya and collected some flowers from campus…and we used ladder to break matki and enjoyed…

  • Curriculum

    Free any facilitator or teacher from the boundaries of ‘curriculum’ and then see the magic of learning. Often parents are worried that ‘no curriculum at Aarohi will lead to no learning or notmuchlearning ’. I see contrarily, that ‘no curriculum’ leads to LOADS of learning. Any person whom we meet, we learn and we do…

  • Litres and Mililiters

    We continue to explore measurements and realized so much we can explore in cms and mm, feet and inches or gms and litres. One child who wanted to measure circle, was given circles to play. After two session he came up with his own way to measure the circle with a thread “wrap it around,…

  • Hands on work

    Kids were given constraint of not using ‘cardboard box and cellotape to create, SO INSTEAD OF MODELS – create something out in real and work with different materials’. They went around and choose to ‘upgrade tree house’. They choose to work with Bamboo and ropes, they worked with hammers and nails, they explored ‘creating. In…

  • Know Material

    Often when kids work with different paints they are depending on us to know which paint to use for which purpose. We realized that they have not spent time with different paints at leisure, rather used them often in hurry (I want to use now). This week we began the week with ‘spending time with…

  • New games

    Kept old cans and few stones – we invented games, played old games in new way (bowling with empty cold drinks cans and stones).

  • FItness is way of life

    Most of us are healthy (no major disease) but are we all fit? Can we run 5kms, can we do regularly do push ups?, can we bend forward?….health, fitness, exercise, food consciousness are left to extra curricular activities in our education. We rarely bring the aspect of fitness as equally important part of living life.…

  • Reflection Fun

    Each day we reflect and assesses ourselves and we do it in many different ways. Each week Thursday night we compile our reflections of the week and document it. It takes few hours for us to compile each week. Since this is a different way of assessing ourselves, each child takes own time, own pace…

  • Dirty Painting

    “How is my painting? Is it beautiful? Am I doing it fine? Can you tell me which color to fill? I am not good at painting, do it for me? You finish for me…we often hear this ANXIETY in children. Last week asked kids to make ‘dirty painting’. Initially they rejected my idea. As we…

  • Story

    Stories are meant to be told to kids, and kids are suppose to listen and enjoy. This week we asked kids to get some books for themselves and share not the story but what were they thinking when they were reading. They shared about the author, the imagination of the author, about the characters, about…

  • Make stone float

  • Calabash Painiting

    Thank you Sunita for introducing this art form – simple but beautiful.

  • Tree House Upgradation

  • Laughter

    Laughter is powerful. In Thought Club we brought thoughts on laughter – we asked each one to make others laugh. It was difficult to make others laugh! We wondered, we all like laughter but we seldom make others laugh – shared our thoughts what makes us not using laughter so often, If we enjoy laughter…

  • Stones, Leaves and Flowers

    Each day we did this just for 15 minutes to start the day Day one collect stones – kids ended up not only collecting the stones but also smelling them and making games with them Day two – collect leaves – all kinds of small, big, dry, wet leaves were collected and different arrangements with…

  • History through Movies

    How does one learn history or rather how else can one learn history? How about MOVIES!!! Yes we announced a history course with movies. Many were clueless how movies can be a source to learn, we watch movies for entertainment and that’s all!!! We saw some movie clips and noticed the words which we would…

  • We welcome you!

    Each individual is a wonderful story and Thank you Sunitha for spending time with us at campus – you came to experience Aarohi, but our children benefited by getting exposed to your story. You came as a guest and soon you were part of community – thank you for cooking with us, playing with us,…

  • Drumming

    Here are 12 reasons to drum…. We drum every week, we drum in rhythm, we drum in group, we drum to listen, we drum to be with ourselves, we drum to ENJOY!

  • Relationship

    We celebrated ‘relationship’ at Aaorhi. we live together, we have different relationships and Raksha Bandhan was a good day to celebrate relationships. Not only brother and sister, but all kinds of human relationships.

  • Grand Parents

    Grand parents are blessing for us – important part of eco system of our community, they bring love and affection. Thank you uncle for coming and spending time with us. Playing with us, working with us and living with us.

  • Dissolve it!

    Fear is not a problem, it is a choice. We do not need to solve, we need to dissolve it!! We began session on fear with kids. It began with a survey on fear with few questions. Kids answered following questions What are the things you are afraid of? Recall one or two situations that…

  • Travelogue

    Various travelogues by kids – For many of them it was first experience to write a travelogue. Some had heard this word ‘travelogue’ but had no idea, some took it literally ‘travel’ and filled up travelogue with travel details like when they did what … read more to explore how various children made sense of…

  • Myth called Child

    What is the difference between an adult and a child other than age and age related body differences. Mentally and emotionally we all are as same or different as we want to be. See the magic when we treat children as fellow being.

  • Play by Rupesh

    Play in itself is the biggest source of learning and to develop thinking. Let’s not curtail play in the name of academics nor shall we interrupt the play by imposing our ideas about play .

  • My ‘SELF’ Intelligence

    In school or in home all a child wants is to be treated as an individual by accepting his beliefs and ways of learning. He needs space to grow with his own pace and in his own style.

  • Move it to learn it

    The advancement of technology with modern times plays an important role in our lives directly and indirectly – it tries to reduce the friction from our lives. It mean lures towards a life where we don’t use our body to its full potential . Let’s create some fun by movements.