Category: drupal-import

  • Word Magic

    What is the basic role of language? If your answer is – To communicate / to Express, then i am sorry to inform that you did not score well in this test. Read on to know why.

  • The myth called learning

    Do we want children to learn? Is it our need or their need? Do we want children to learn or do we want to teach? Does learning happens only when someone teaches? Here is learning myth buster.

  • Teaching children Interdependence

    Independence or interdependence? Can we ever make child independent when we all exist because of interdependence. Instead let’s all celebrate interdependence and enjoy the abundance it brings.

  • Culture Exchange

    People are source of learning, Often people ask us “what will I be value to your children at Aarohi, I know nothing to teach” and invariably we say “We believe each individual is a wonderful story and our children would benefit by getting exposed to your story. Aarohi is a learning space where there is…

  • What did you ask at school today ?

    The book is written for teachers and anyone who is working with children. Each chapter talks about different research relevant to education and learning and concludes with suggestions to bring changes in our approach. The simple, language ensures readers are not struggling to understand jargon of research papers. The book deals with many other aspect…

  • The tale of princess Kaguya

    The tale of princess Kaguya (Japanese). If your child likes ‘water painting’, the animation is treat to the eyes. Together you can also admire making of the movie, which took 8yrs to make each frame by hand.

  • Multiplex for Teachers and Parents

    Multiplex for Teachers and Parents

    We watch a lot of movies and these movies either give us fresh insights, or reinforce the kind of work we do. Some are simply inspiring. Since we are already be familiar with Indian movies like Tare Zameen pe and 3-Idiots, we thought we’d share with you some foreign movies (in no particular order). Dead…

  • A bird, A Tree and A Squirrel

    There is something so salubrious, so profound, so relaxing, so egalitarian, so genuine and simple about sitting under a tree and studying that I wonder why all classes are not under the umbra of Life.Is it then – just plain sad – that we teach children about birds, rivers, machines, forest, people, all sitting inside…

  • We the people

    We the people live mostly with cooperation. Society builds up upon interdependence not on competitiveness. Expose children to such cooperative activities by creating a classroom like that. Invite children to run this nation of classroom.

  • Learning dhik chik dha

    Music is not just for party and outings. Music is rhythm of life. Music is around us in various forms. Read on to know how music can be integral part of our environment and what impact it has.

  • Its not what you look at – but what you see

    Looking and seeing are not same. Seeking is almost like soaking eyes into what we want to see. Explore various aspects of visual intelligence and enjoy what you create.

  • Parents, We have no role, no responsibility, we are jobless

    Parents, We have no role, no responsibility, we are jobless

    What is the Job of us parents? It is all about enjoying them creating his or her life?

  • Who wants Brinjal Curry every day?

    Suppose your mother cooks good Bringal curry. Now the only problem is that she makes it every day. Yes, every day the same Brinjal curry. Ahhhhhh! Who wants Bringal curry EVERY DAY. Now tell me who is more intelligent: C V Raman, M F Husain, A R Rehman, Sachin Tendulkar, or Mahatma Gandhi. “Its not…

  • Story of X and Y – Math Logic in classroom

    Isn’t it hilarious to cage the concepts in the boundaries of subjects. Read on the story of 2 children of Math-Logic intelligence to understand these boundaries are blurred in real learning.

  • Writing Wish

    Written words leave more impact than verbal. Writing wishes of children brings certain assurance to them. Explore if you would like play with this mighty tool.

  • Alternatives to Punishment – Part 1

    It is not possible to have an effective learning without making mistakes. Child does same. They learn and develop the understanding of the world through mistakes. Shall mistakes be punished or be handled in such a way that provides and opportunity to learn better?

  • Alternatives to Rewards and Punishments

    Few days back I visited an office and started complaining to the girl at the front desk about the bills that I had not received, about which I had reminded her number of times. At that moment, her boss came, and I redirected my complaining to him. He immediately assured me that the bills will…

  • Multiplex for Teachers and Parents

    Movies present lives in different forms and brings up many nuances of dealing with situations. Here are some recommendations from Aarohi Multiplex.

  • Sex Education Resources

    It is rewarding for parents and children to have a transparent channel of communication regarding sex education. Here are some resources we found useful.

  • Respect – Fundamentals of Disciplining

    It was time for children to leave for home. A mother, who had come to pick up her daughter, came to me with her daughter and asked, “What makes you work with children, what makes you ‘tick’ with them”. I was about to say my standard answer, “Because I love them”. However suddenly the child…

  • Travelogue

    The word ‘travelogue’ was new to many in the group. So we began our journey. Instead of knowing what it is we just started writing about the trip.After one round of travelogue writing we made a mind map using the following template ​We used only key words to fill the mind map and then used…

  • Alternatives to Punishment – Part 2

    Power struggle happens when there unequal distribution of power between two parties. Empowering children means giving them enough power to reduce the situation of conflict. Let’s explore how do we do that.

  • Green Environment, Nature and Education

    In today’s world we normally get an overdose of environmental gyan. We have green-everything being offered everywhere. Most of us are actually wary of these exposures, the claims, even the education. So, i am not keen on giving any lessons, but thoughts that i would like to share with children, perspectives that I would like…

  • Mesmerizing Mahabalipuram

    Another aspect of outstation trip is learning about the place, by experiencing, by being there. For any place we did not take guide, as kids expressed that they want to explore by themselves. Sea Shore Temple – We saw Sea shore temple early in the morning and it was wow! We were mesmerized by its…

  • Travel and Learning

    Every outstation trip creates many aspect of learning. It begins with learning about travel and its adventure as it unfolds. Traveling in different weather. Every time we want comfort of shade or hot it is not available. We need to work without fans/AC when we are on road. We do not get always what food…

  • Meet your Fear

    Every snake we spot in the campus, we learn from it. More we spot, more we learn :). Every new child brings own fear of snake and every spotting of snake allows each one of us to meet our fear in many different ways. Last time we spotted a snake, one child commented ‘ this…

  • Light up that Candle

    Take a candle (done best in dark room) light it up, give one candle to each child, using the first candle, all light up their candle. Once all have lighted up, sharethoughts– some of thought shared One candle can make more light Some are poor, we can share our money with others We can help…

  • Hidden Treasure

    We have lots of different kind of board and other kind of games at campus, often hidden under other priorities…what we did is brought them out in welcome…and all were curious and indulged into playing all kinds of games.

  • Kite flying

    No occasion, No festival, – the only reason was WIND. Wind is blowing in campus with good speed and some kids felt that its a good time to fly kites. Some flew for first time, some taught others … all ages enjoyed

  • If I were a painiting

    “If I were a painting”, a beautiful poetry. Lyrics written by Ewing Ii, Donald / Sampson, Donald, sung by Kenny Rogers was part of our sunshine. Kids found in collection of old cassettes and brought in sunshine. The thought of imagining self as a painting was exciting – We sang and sang whole day in…