Laughter is powerful. In Thought Club we brought thoughts on laughter – we asked each one to make others laugh. It was difficult to make others laugh! We wondered, we all like laughter but we seldom make others laugh – shared our thoughts what makes us not using laughter so often, If we enjoy laughter so much. Some of the apprehensions
- What If others not like
- What If I make fool of myself
- What if people make images about me
Also wondered is laughter only making fun of others? Can it be beyond laughing? Can we do something to make our mind and soul also laugh?We explored few options
- Funny – we all know about this. see fun in a situation, action, words, mimicry, etc.
- Witty – Make our mind laugh by puzzles, jokes, presence of mind, responding humorously
- Loving – Make peoples heart laugh by saying positive things, feeling positive, inspirational stories, appreciating, accepting…
As a facilitator exploring my own mental blocks and options to bring laughter in many different ways – here are some ideas