Category: drupal-import

  • Dance

    Dance in many forms, just dance alone or in a group.

  • A week at Aarohi

    Many things happen in day or week, but many times we are left empty with the thought of ‘nothing happened’. This feeling pops in especially when we are into unschooling and are typically not following any structure. When achievement is measured in terms of subjects/content, we feel even more empty when we do not have…

  • Cause and Effect

    I decide, I do and I reflect…At Aarohi we reflect in many different ways, One of the simple way to reflect would be to just make a cause and effect diagram. draw a line and one side you write what happened (effect) and other side you write why that happened (be cause)…one use paper and…

  • Newspaper

    Explore newspaper in many different ways – understand what all different kinds of news comes, what language is used and why?, make a song with headlines or just simply make a collage. See more here

  • Reapir

    Usage of material also leads to breaking or tearing….we try to repair by ourselves, if does not we also take help of others, if still does not get repaired we take it to the market to repair…still does not we buy new or live without it. one of the butterfly net got torn last week,…

  • Empty tape rolls

    A very simple material, we kept in for exploration. Day one we kept only tape rolls, next day added small balls, Day three we added ropes….no instructions given on how to use or what to make…kids used in many different ways. Watch this video

  • Courses at Aarohi

    There are many ways one can learn – here are few ways we do at Aarohi… CONDUCTED – Somebody announces a course and teaches it (somebody could be another child, facilitator or an outside expert). FACILITATED – anyone arranges and provides multiple resources – but no one teaches and each participant in the course can…

  • Fear

    It began with a child expressing ‘ I am feeling ghost around me’. We announced a session on fear and invited anyone to join. Two children joined and we began with talking about fear, first they expressed ‘lets keep it secret, don’t tell anyone – the stories we tell you’. We took pledge to not…

  • Sports Day

    One of the child announced that he wanted to conduct sports. He converted it into sports day….it was a day of sports for him: Entire day he was busy preparing, planning, inviting and preparing ground for the event. Some joined him in arrangements….at the end of the day we all raced – old and young.

  • Adjective in daily life

    We use adjective in our communication without knowing that this is called adjective…..before we teach them about adjective, let’s experience adjectives. Few activities we did at Aarohi this weekChoose an adjective about the food today from the chits – keep chits in serving bowls with food.GIve an adjective to the next person and person enact…

  • Bird communication with Samira

    When we had no TV/radio/internet….birds were the source of music” says Samira who shared what role birds plays in our life. “I observed one of the researcher, observing a nesting bird everyday for few months….I was 3 yrs old and this experience stayed with me, I went on to do bachelors in Zoology, masters and…

  • Pampering Parents

    Parents join us to pamper us, They are part of community. This week Shyna joined us at campus to share her love of cooking with us.

  • Yoga Exposure

    Vidya, mother of Shiva joined to celebrate international yoga day with us at campus. We played games, did yoga and got to know about Isha foundation. The day began at 6 in the morning with milk and then playing games, which some of us wanted to play more. 90 minutes of yoga session was all…

  • Rock Slider

    It began with two kids throwing stones. We asked them to look for alternate to get entertainment. All they needed was an IDEA, some tools and freedom to explore. They began with a n idea to make rock roller (skate board which will slide down the rock). All around rock there were thorns and bushes…

  • Bottle caps

    Empty bottle caps were brought in as material to explore. We began with just exploring bottle caps, then created own games. We have used bottle caps in making maths fun, but this time caps were used to create games – specially physical ones.

  • Sunshine Masti

    Every week one of us bring exposure of music in sunshine, this time one child brought, He prepared all by self – we danced, we jumped with music, we sang.

  • Floccinaucinihilipilification Introduction

    Floccinaucinihilipilification, is to provide exposure to a specific concept, idea, technique, application, etc. The topic is introduced in the form of an activity, reading material, worksheet, text book, video or via an expert. This provides exposure to content beyond what the child is already working on. This week we did exposure on what is Floccinaucinihilipilification.…

  • Our Resources

    We learn from many resources, we learn in many different waysWe learn when we doWe learn when we observeWe learn even when we are doing nothing Here are some learning journey of a week I achieved coming on time this week. I achieved skating on rock slide. I learnt about Warli Painting by reading book.…

  • Fashion Designing – Profession

    Fashion Designing is not necessarily for people who loves fashion or are fashionable. It is about detailing, observing, understanding (culture, trends, needs), resourcefulness, illustration, imagination, inspiration fine motor skills…..and hard work. Yes, this is what we understood when we visited J D Institute of fashion technologies for outdoor. We went through a presentation on what…

  • Likes and Dislikes

    Often at home we look for opportunities to interact and to know when kids are thinking. And often it may start with ‘so tell me….’. Here is a game you can play in different forms. Play this game of Thumbs up (like), Thumbs Down (dislike) and lock fingers (interesting). Say random words – travel, planning,…

  • Circuit Making

    We have been making things with electronics – using batteries to make fan run or car move, using circuits to make lie detector with the help of mentors. This we week we spent some time understanding fundamentals about what is circuit what is conductor, what is capacitor, what is the role of current or voltage,…

  • Dancing Butterfly

    Butterfly Dancing – One child who continues to chase and catch butterflies at campus, this week made them dance. Watch video to understand his idea and how he implemented it.

  • Planning and Variations

    Planning, reflecting, scheduling is part of our learning at Aarohi.We plan sometimes for a day, sometimes for a week and sometimes for months. We plan in many different ways – Sometimes writing in detail with timings (10 to 1pm…1 to 2pm…). Sometimes just sharing one specific area like working on language, working on website, working…

  • Kalidoscope @ Aarohi

    Began the learning journey with living together in the community, Some were old, some joined new. Learning while living came to us in many different forms. Starting with personal hygiene to enjoying music in many different forms. From sharing views in thought club to reflecting at the end of the day to understand own interest…

  • Manthan with parents

    Year began with Manthan with parents. What are the roles and responsibilities of parents, children and facilitator at Aarohi – we all together wondered. It started with each team getting one object which one can relate to any role – some got seeds to represent child, water to represent facilitation and soil to represent parents.…

  • Animals in Cage

    One of the Aarohi child shared this and want to create awareness “do not take selfies with animals, they really get scared”. This is the website i use for seeing fact on animals i want you to read some.The link is below.I hope you enjoy reading the facts.

  • Film Making workshop

    The experience of film workshop was wonderful. Rowena’ enthusiasm was contagious, so Lancy’s dedication. Kids peace and fun was amazing learning opportunity. It began with Lancy who apart from being a graphic designer is a film maker and was keen on sharing skills of film-making with kids (She alsoloves organic gardening). Rowena, a home schooler…

  • Maths Mentor

    Bhargav who is also a homeschooler, can facilitate Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry for various curricula such as: IGCSE/ A-levels, IB-MYP/ IB-Diploma, Common Core State Standards (USA), Advanced Placements-AP etc. He can also train students on various scholastic tests such as: ACT, PSAT, SAT-Reasoning, SAT-Subjects, International Olympiads etc. He is also passionate about facilitating young minds…

  • Barrel Oven

    The Barrel oven wishes to extend “very warm” gratitude for the wonderful rocket stove made by Bhargav and Vinochala made below it for it to get heated efficiently and effortlessly. The Oven could bake a cake with very little wood. see pics attached. The Bath-water rocket stove burns with equal efficiency and ease (though not…

  • Nurturing the Leader

    Book review -“Nurturing the leader within your child ” by Dr Tim Elmore. The book is beyond leadership. While the author talks about nurturing certain qualities in your child to be leader, it also talks about environment at home and role parents can play. Author shares real life stories as examples and quotes of different…