Category: Blogs

  • I am Capable, I Decide , I Commit, I DO

    Children prooved “I am Capable” ” I decide, I do”. All the projects decided by children were in progress without any adult support or reminders. It was all their wish, all their decision, it was all driven by children and did by children. As an adult, we were just observers and supporters to stand by…

  • Story of Thinkers and Great Kings

    The story of A Philosopher and a King in a Jaatre with Vihaan on “thinkers and great kings”. He made the topic easy for us, he brought Socrates and Alexander closer to us.So, here is a man in Athens who was born to a Sculptor and a midwife.And he also worked as a stonemason. And…

  • Together

    A cold cloudy and rainy Sunday was the perfect day to plan pizza in our wood fire oven Few chop the veg and continued chopping Someone made the sauce Someone made dough and base Someone took the charge of oven firing In between Someone decided to make cookies Someone made dough Few together made Ragi…

  • Field research

    Found some feathers on his way to nowhere Just a nature walk Wanted to take home the feathers We pondered why not take the photo home and leave the feather in nature where they belong to Read about the feathers immediately by self, none could disturb the flow And obviously told people again and again…

  • Acting Kindly

    It was not only a trip to the nearby village, but an experience to understand self through the experiences. The trip was to experience “acting kindly”, by planning a visit to a nearby village and do any act of kindness like join them in cleaning or cooking, play with kids or just simply talk. We…

  • Instinct

    We played Hide and Seek – hide under the bushes, over the bushes, in a ditch, on the rock, under the tree, over the tree…all over the campus in teams and reflected together “what instinct used to hide and seek?” When we played, we just played but at the end of the play, when we…

  • Orange Chair

    Words affect us – positive or negative both. Positive words make us vulnerable for the future as we wrap ourselves in those images, negative words makes us vulnerable for now, as we get affected by those images. Thank you Sunitha for introducing orange chair – here is version 1.2 of orange chair We called it…

  • a date with cooking

    What’s cooking?He likes cooking and he wanted to cook.He tried the “dum Biriyani” style with all coal flavor and dough beading.One more joined himTogether they created the magic for self – some success some failure, a bit less salt spoiled the show for some, overcooked rice with water was not the tase for some.It was…

  • Indian Democracy

    Indian democracy and elections with Randheer to start understanding current affairs Few questions we heard – Who is our ruler? Do we any ruler? Who is making rules? Who is giving us the facilities? Who is protecting us? If we have prime minister, then why do we have a chief minister? Who is working to…

  • A week with Singing

    SINGING, often is not sung! We don’t sing – either we are good or bad at singing, we don’t sing as we smile. Dedicated a week to singing and simple singing – Understand singing beyond just performance or good and bad singing, Sing for joy, sing while working, sing to kill boredom, sing alone, sing…

  • A date with Justice

    JUSTICE was the topic – we feel it, we face it, we see it, we hear it… but not explored it. Thank you, Kanaka for bringing this topic to our attention. The words we heard in the session – some new, some old – Justice, Latin, Just means right, Righteousness, Dike, goddesses of Justice, Themis…

  • A date with death

    An appointment with death in Teen Club – just to talk about itSharing an experience of death in the familySharing views about a statement “death is an inevitable part of life”.Reflecting “how does media/world is representing death to you”. And what about after death? Word we harvested – death is inevitable, creepy, scary, sad, happy,…

  • Outdoor – Experiences in Nature Trek

    Nature gives us an abundance of opportunities to be with self, explore and explore our strengths, our fears, new possibilities, throws new challenges and abundance of peace. One such nature trek was Muneshwara temple hill at D.Kondapalli. Glimpses of our experiences – One child who had never done any trek did trek for the first…

  • ACTIVE WE – Experiencing Harvesting

    Little Millet harvest. Little Millet , Little Millet, Hold Me to cut Held me with love Collect in bunches Dry me, Crush me to remove my husk Fry or boil to cook and serve . Cutting Knife – Kodali in Kannada I am Sharp and active, Held me with care, else I shall cut you,…

  • Manthan to Grow with Parents

    Manthan is about coming together and churning our thoughts on this open path of learning. We created our portfolios and shared them with the community-wide spectrum of learners in one space. Some are focused on developing one skill/interest, while some are in the exploratory or multi-channels zone. For some, the learning of language is important,…

  • Learning Models

    Self Learning Model Think of anything you have learned – let it move like a movie in your mind|What was the purpose?What were your feelings at different stages?What were the constraints?Who all facilitated?What all support?What did you plan?What all the resources you used?What motivated you?Who all supported? Share with others your learning model, listen to…

  • Life at Aarohi

    Each week the curriculum is defined by the learners at the campus – This week’s curriculum – Craft, maths, reading, dance, tracing dance, learning music, computing, research on culture and art, taking a bath, law and order, hula hoop, reading, playing basketball, making, drama, shoot, paper folding, piano, videos, weekly planning, campus medic, gardening, session…

  • Dance with Bharat

    I do what I love, dance every day and earn from dance, shared Bharat! His story began of dance began at the age of 8yrs, initially couldn’t dance, but was determined to dance and now he just dances and even earn from it! And we danced with him, just like that! Imagine Aarohi, An Open…

  • The story of Making Pots

    The story of clay pots They wanted to make a pot with clay But the clay was hard and dry They first prepared the clay And then played with it to create They created in their own way No one taught them They taught themselves with their own experiences Imagine Aarohi which does not make…

  • How to measure?

    Did we wonder how to measure the height of a tree? We don’t know what all is in measuring tape? We observed the tree, it was very tall, we did not know how to measure? We choose a tree that we could climb. One child climbed the tree, another child gave the tape to his…

  • First aid Drills

    First aid stalls brought an opportunity to learn and understand about safety – first aid is not about me knowing, it creates an asset inside me and I can be of help to anyone in need.

  • Food and Nutrition

    AKD, Aarohi ki Dukaan, came alive with “buying snacks, a budget of Rs 13, and count your nutritional value” and that all! Not to teach about carbohydrates or proteins or balanced food but to bring an awareness that our food contains various things and it’s all about the choices we make when we are choosing…

  • Poetry with Ramya

    “I like to write,” said Ramya in Lenzen Cirkle What I write it just rhymes And that happens to be called poetry And by that She has been 5yr old write And would insist others read her poetry We just chit-chatted over poetry Is rap poetry? It’s therapy It’s a game And it becomes a…

  • Sahayavani

    Few names appeared in physical violence during train travel Each one was written a note to join us for a restorative circle In Sahayavani each one shared their version of the story We all just listened – all stories were the same with different experience Each one made “A REQUEST” to all OTHERS Each one…

  • Story of Cheela

    He was in the menu this week Menu making brings an opportunity to put dishes of your homes and taste He came up with an idea of “cheela” He was confident of the recipeI showed apprehension “will everyone like it?”But He was excited with the recipe We came up with an idea of “sample making”He…

  • Experiencing Culture

    Why go far in search of culture – we have many cultures within our community. Each one has some culture at home – Family Culture, Food Culture, Living Culture, Religion Culture, Social Culture, Festival or Celebrations or ceremonies Rituals, Money Culture, Roles and Responsibilities culture … Play a game of clapping from a different culture…

  • Parachute

  • Sickness

    He fell sick He came into the kitchen and demanded: “what no food for me?” I thought, ‘dear you seem to have reached a different address Here we don’t serve to anyone Here the sickness is part of your learning journey When you fall sick – it brings an opportunity to know self And that…

  • DOING Process

    Actions in DOING Session This Wednesday’s session on 13th Nov was a very unique one. Lots of energy, excitement, willingness to do and ownership was in the air. It was for a focused group of children who had chosen their projects two weeks ago. We had planned well as one would take care of permissions…

  • Model School Children Experiencing Aarohi Campus

    Experiencing Campus – Visit by Model School Children Model School Children conducted a Science Fair, in which Swach Bharat models were shown. I was part of visiting stalls and just felt that experience of what all we can do with the waste would be an added exposure and hence the opportunity created for the children…