Children prooved “I am Capable” ” I decide, I do”. All the projects decided by children were in progress without any adult support or reminders. It was all their wish, all their decision, it was all driven by children and did by children. As an adult, we were just observers and supporters to stand by their side. Children were quite involved and had already installed the library, asking for book donation, Watering Plant team had already made a drain path for trees for one tap, Friendship circle team ready to take off with complaint form, art wall team ready with drawings, planting team ready with plant ideas, to start.
What went well:
Representatives made for each team will take charge and class teachers accepted to support children if needed. Children are ready to take off their projects into the implementation stage.
Few teams just needed to say OK for the next stage in the project to move ahead.
The status of projects was captured and communicated with teachers.
Communication that project session will end and still projects continue and driven by teams was made clear.
What did not go well:
Waiting time for teachers to discuss can be avoided by prior information and use the break time to use teacher’s time and our time as well.
Informing Gardener also in advance, so that he can be present for kids and support, so children could do decide immediately rather than waiting.