Ever asked WHY?
Try asking WHY? Play with WHY and see what it does
I made soup today
Why did I make soup?
It was cold and rainy weather
Why was it rainy
Clouds came up
Why did they come up?
They evaporated
And let the game of WHY to continue…
Explored three analysis tools to understand self
1 “Why” tool to understand purpose and self
2 “Cause and effect, fishbone” to understand what went wrong and right in any task
3 “3C (characteristics, connections, and changes)” to analyze (reflect) a project – to discover what is working, what is changing
Different questions to bring value to our planning and learning journey. The questions were asked by peers, not to be answered but to think. Questions by peers like “where do you think it will lead to? What is the evidence? (this was one of the favorites) and so on led to fun and thoughtfulness for some!
Thinking Skills, Analysis to know what you did not know!
Imagine Aarohi, An open learning community which does not make the learning easy. Children like it challenging.
Imagine Aarohi that is not a restaurant, rather a kitchen. We have no dish to offer. We do not serve our children any learning on a platter. We aren’t cooking to satisfy the children. We’re like a kitchen: Raw material and tools (resources) of all kinds are available. Children are challenged to cook for themselves, to create own learning, to explore, experiment for own reasons, to satisfy own hunger.