What’s cooking?
He likes cooking and he wanted to cook.
He tried the “dum Biriyani” style with all coal flavor and dough beading.
One more joined him
Together they created the magic for self – some success some failure, a bit less salt spoiled the show for some, overcooked rice with water was not the tase for some.
It was not only about cooking Biryani but a story of TRYINg fearlessly (cooking chicken Biryani for 15 people).
She volunteered to cook veg Biryani
She was confident
She created magic with her skills of cooking – the rice was just right cooked, the presentation was tempting, spices were satisfactory, some fell more in love with her cooking skills, It is not the story of cooking a tasty Biryani, but a story of FIGHTING with OWN FEAR.
So it was not about cooking but about the story of learning through cooking!Imagine Aarohi, An Open Learning Community, a life education, where learning happens from their life – for life.