Category: drupal-import

  • My year Journey

    Imagine Open Learning, where there are no tests and exams – because we believe that each individual can assess themselves, can reflect on this work on an ongoing basis. Also because one does not need to learn for some external objective (marks) but for own love for learning. My journey of drumming –As a group…

  • Same – Different

    When Howard Gardner put forward his Theory of Multiple Intelligences (in 1983), he was only acknowledging something we have all intuitively known – the existence of different abilities (intelligences) inside each one of us. What is “child’s play” or fun for one could be scary or boring for another. This diversity arises from each child…

  • Creating our own Curriculum

    The world is our curriculum. But what is the curriculum? Is it defined by me or the learner or none or both? Life is part of the curriculum Living is curriculum Learning is part of the curriculum When all this merges, it just becomes an experience. We asked shared one difficult thing from the day…

  • Trek to Discover Self

    Wake up at 5am Why shoes? Small water bottle is enough? I have never trekkedI have done many How long is it? How far is this? So high? So far? I donot know why this experience! It was cloudy day Ah! Its so nice Ah! I can run Oh! Rocks and stones and thorns –…

  • Doing!

    Herramientas, our tool room was busy designing a Bamboo chair, making joints which will last longer, making wooden dice to just play and experience carpentry, make dumbbells for fitness Ambrosia, our kitchen was busy cooking variety of meals to cater to different tastes, special food for b’day celebration, pickle, salads, kheer and cake are just…

  • Trek to Himalayas – I did it!

    Trek to Himalayas with family and family friends was one of the agenda this May. There is something in mountains, I carry back deep in my heart. The ascend, the descend … all were incidental, what made the difference was meeting life in just one trek! But there was something different between life and trekking.Life…

  • FLYING at Aarohi – Summer w4

    “I am Able – TRY, FRY, CRY and FLY! The journey often starts with TRYING, then action (FRY), And sometimes the challenges makes you CRY (sweating, pushing, failing, persisting), and once you cross that you FLY!FLYING this week with TRYING at AarohiWhat better way to spend holidays – Do what I want – I decide…

  • Interest and Exploration

    And with this open structure – how does one “learn” anything? One also wonders how can one move ahead when one does not have a specific interest or one has very specific interest, one is confused, also what if one needs a guide and so on – each child is different. SOME of the OPTIONS…

  • Design thinking jaatre

    A dream wallet……. The session was focused on the process of designing a ideal wallet but the twist was that we were not designing for our self rather we were designing an ideal wallet for our partner. Step one is to empathize with the partner and understand their requirement of a wallet. What all do…

  • Food and Mathematical Thinking

  • Team Build – Dreaming or Designing!

    The project “Team build” was born with the need of another residential building at Aarohi. Just one announcement Few interested Few thinking Few indifferent Some joined Some stayed Some left Some hanged around First, what all are the options? Dreaming, Researching, Imagining, Ideating Then, Meeting Samyukta and Stanzin from Earth Build to give muddy shape…

  • Possibilities this summer – w3

    Each day is a gift full of possibilities, let’s live it! We took an object and used it in different ways than the usual usage and explored possibilities. We could come with many many ideas of using that object in different ways. And that’s where we began our journey of “possibilities” this week. Many possibilities…

  • Dreaming this summer – 2019

    We all have dreams, – Dream for self, like I want to be successful, want to be an artist, to look smarter, etc. We dream for family, like all in my family to be happy. Dream for country like gender equality, no poverty, more money, my country to be like Singapore. Dream for the world,…

  • Teen club – romantic relationships

    What is a romantic relationship ? Our image of love, romantic relationships and dating is heavily loaded by external influences. Media, movies, songs, advertisements, society, parents and friends all play a role in shaping our understanding of relationships. This teen club we tried to look at how all are we looking at relationships. Below is…

  • Young Electrician

    Well, he is 8yrs old young electrician of Aarohi. He says “I love electrical work”, He likes to fix switches, He likes to connect bulbs, He is enthusiastic to put casing and capping, At this stage, he does not want to read about current, volts or any other things related to electricity, But to do,…

  • Summer week 1 – Choices

    Choices are “what I want to do”. Non-choices are “what I have not explored yet”. Every time I make a choice, I leave some choices…I chose to do carpentry, I am leaving out cooking or reading a book. And that’s what we experienced in the first week of summer. “I am able, I can choose…

  • Colurs of the Music

    Just some colors And Some music – slow, fast, instruments, old, new, different culture…just music. Let the music lead your hands No brushes to paint Use body to paint Not paint to make a painting Paint for joy and music!

  • Paper and Toys and He!

    He naturally connects with paper folding He gets those precise folds He can do it without any distraction or external push He does it just like that.

  • Aarohi Marathon

    Marathon started with the spark of idea from a Parent, Fitness coach of Aarohi. The Spark spread the Fire of Running in everyone in the community who participated in the event. Some missed, some participated and some wanted to keep the fire alive. The Spark of Running Marathon event was fueled by 3 children who…

  • Turtle walk

    Turtle walk at Chennai stimulated many thoughts in me about conservation, interaction with animals and the life! There was something special about the volunteers I met at the beach – one of them doing for last 22 years and still doing every weekends for five months. He was as inspiration for me to walk the…

  • Learning Stories

    Many stories on how children learn and each story is different. But each story reminds us that each child is unique and learn in their unique way. How a child Learn? Well,I started with looking for the tiniest flower I could find, and slowly my interest grew and it went into looking at flowers and…

  • Gifts !

    GIFT was the theme of the week – We receive and give gift to self and others in various forms like physical, verbal, act, written, environment (things, nature, people happening, events), time and opportunity but this week was the opportunity to pause and reflect on the gifts we give and get Gift of support Gift…

  • Surfing at Mulki

    The sea was seaFirst day I thought it was just a sea.Second day thought it was rough.Third day I thought it was gentle.But the sea was sea all the three days.I got to know it’s not always about the sea.It is and about my understanding about the sea.It was also about my ease with my…

  • Learning Zones

    If I do what I already know I stay in my comfort zone. If I do something more, or new, I step into challenge zone – then I learn, I grow. This week explored various zones and how to use them for our growth. First it was about understanding about zones – some said comfort…

  • Are you Listening?

    The theme of the week was “listening”. We all hear and listen. Is there any difference between listening and hearing? And how about Listen to build relationships, to understand others, to able to understand what is spoken, to learn about a topic, to get information to tickle, to stimulate, to create, … Listening is not…

  • The world of NEWS

    We all read news, or at least know about news – news paper, social media, TV etc are the various mediums which allows us to know what is happening around. A session with Rajesh to understand the world of news, newspaper and reporters. It began with “What is News? When dog bites a man, it…

  • The Key to FREEDOM

    We were writing expressions, I asked the group to write complete sentences rather just few words and skipping the grammar. One child expressed “14 yrs in schools and teachers have made it boring for me’. I asked the child, “while the teachers made it boring for you, what did you do to make it interesting”?…

  • What is in Landscape?

    We live in apartments, we live in homes, we move around in malls, and office buildings, we walk on paths, we run on grass, we play in parks…ever wondered how are they designed? What all is in building? Who all are architect ? What is the role of an architect? What is landscape architecture? Is…

  • Vasudaika Kutumbam

    A letter by a Father on community living You are in a community living with 20+ others. I trust that your life is getting redefined in Aarohi and what you will learn there will redefine your life for a long time. It could even make you lead a more enjoyable and fulfilling life. However, IF…

  • My(self) valentine

    Can I feel the love in air for myself. Can I accept (my)Self with its conflicting ends. What being kind to myself does to me?