We all have dreams, – Dream for self, like I want to be successful, want to be an artist, to look smarter, etc. We dream for family, like all in my family to be happy. Dream for country like gender equality, no poverty, more money, my country to be like Singapore. Dream for the world, like peace, compassion, more trees and so on
When we began the session asking about dreams, some said “but its not going to be real, it’s not going to come true…”. A lot of doubts about dreams! What makes us afraid to dream? or dream about dream? Wonder what makes dream comes true?
Many of us don’t dream, many are scared (not dare) to dream. Does dreaming needs courage! Well we explored various dreams through our own interests.
Dreams of making a wooden knife, learning new recipe, better health, strongest on earth, book reader, becoming Ninga and Iron man,
But the dreams are not complete without action.
Want to be rich, learn to print money
Want peace in the world, speak gently today and make a list of 20 words which are not creating or creating peace
Want to be chef, make soup today
Stop global warming, water the plants today.
Want to become a psychologist, study psychology today!
Some worked on action, some left it for future, some didn’t consider any action to be required and life moved ahead with various experiences.
Engineering, making Tippytap
Cooking, quantity challenge
Sketching better and drawing wrinkles
Cook properly, not able to find recipe
Playing guitar, can’t play
Making company, material
Kitchen, dynamic
And then it was to know what were challenges to fulfil the dreams and it was time to explore more ideas to work on those challenges
Keep trying new circuits in electronics, researching was challenging
Developing an app, other commitments were taking away the time
Be in village and live on community, but heat is challenging and making decisions
Chef, recipe quantity goes wrong
Stop global warming, challenge to give up shampoo
Publish a book, challenge to find suitable time, distractions
Health without medicines and challenge to look for alternative
Master flute and challenge was practice
Healthy, without medicine, own immunity, don’t know how to take forward
Peace and not know how to speak gently
Building, patience and perfection
Writing, ideas
Healthy food making enticing
Learn beats and fills, challenge to get spacing
Focus and be more creative, stage fright
Sticking to dream
And understating dreams through reflecting
What do you dream about dream?
What part of the dream makes you hop and jump?
Which part of the dream is boring?
What would you dream about your friend? if you had a piece of cake in your hands?
Dream that help you explore your strengths?
Dreams that made you failure
Reflecting and documenting with playing pictionary
Something Masala dosa for you
Something which was fluffy flying clouds in the sky
Something which is like brooming the floor
Something that was like a pillar supporting a building
Something like whistle of a pressure cooker
Something which was like dreaming!
And the freedom at Aarohi never comes without responsibility – freedom to choose what you want to do, but the responsibility to keep back resources, freedom to use camps, responsibility to contribute in campus care, freedom to choose interest, responsibility to plan your day and freedom to be yourself and responsibility to add to your growth.
And with all this life continued with various projects, actions and experiences this week at Aarohi. And life was not complete without safety training, theatre, night trek, early morning trek to nearby hill, organising the trek, cooking, geometry in maths club, wall painting, cleaning and cooking together, electronics, electrical, making adobe bricks, learning mela, design challenge to understand design process of making a dream wallet for others, sleeping under the sky, designing our new building, drumming and learning from each other, carpentry, chit chat on various topics, pottery, inventing, creating, music, singing together, dancing together, sports, were just part of living together.
It was easy to dream “let’s go for trekking, let’s do barbecue”. The dream needed ACTION and that’s where all learning happened – spending a whole day on making a sandwich spread, planning to carry all necessary stuff, late night marinating the vegetables, and then early morning climb through the rocky steps and finally barbecuing and getting burnt potatoes! But each moment was worth dreaming!