Trek to Himalayas with family and family friends was one of the agenda this May.
There is something in mountains, I carry back deep in my heart. The ascend, the descend … all were incidental, what made the difference was meeting life in just one trek!
When it was walking through the meadows, I felt everything nice. So it is in life.
When I walked through steep slopes (climbing), I felt tired. So it is in life when I face challenges.
But the trek was full of both – the meadows and climbs. So is life.
There were points, when I wanted to give up, So in life
There were times, I wished for the trek to get over, So in life
There were times I surprised myself with my capabilities, So in life
The guides were supportive and accepting, So are many people in my life
Some raised doubts “will you be able to? So people do in life
I underestimated my physical capabilities, So I do in life
I was apprehensive “will I be able to?” So it happens life
But then comes the meadow or climb to make me move ahead or to make me feel more miserable, So is life.
And when I thought I could do, I celebrated, So is life
Each one in group was different – some were super fast (the climb was cakewalk for them), some were with me, some were behind me – each one added value in my journey, So it is in life.
Each day was a journey, So is life
All those moments are memories, So is life
All I bring back is memories! So is life!
I met some wonderful guides, Kamalesh and Narendra, who let me be.
But there was something different between life and trekking.Life gives many options, many opportunities for me to give up. Even before I start, the thought “its okay to stop” makes my commitment diluted BUT once we were in the midst of the mountains, there was no going back. No thought of “giving up”. Only thought of “doing it”. Every-time I felt tired, I drank water! There was no other option. No scope of arguing over options(choices), excuses, physical constraints etc. More I did, more I enjoyed each camping destination on my way and finally the summit of “Vijay-Top” at 12,000 feet above! Walking in the snow was the reward for all the endurance.
The trek began with lots of internal apprehensions but a clear determination. It was an interesting combination of self doubt and determination. The first summit was the travel from Hosur to the base camp through Nagalore, Delhi, Dehradun, Mussoorie, Nainbagh, Damta, Nawgano, Purola, Mori and Netwar and Kanyasi. Phew! I was tired of traveling before I began the trek.
Few things helped
Determination – This helped in enduring
Apprehension – This allowed me work on my fitness before I started my trek.
Guides – Supportive but not sympathetic. They knew I have to climb on my own.
The Group – Each one at our own pace but still with each other.
The Group – Each one at our own pace but still with each other.
First day it was completely unknown path – I did not know what all will come on my way. We walked through whatever came along the way – the peaks, the meadows, the climb, the stones the steps, the falls, therain. Each day passed with its own challenges as summit was coming closer. And finally the climb through the snow was super fun.
The mountain goats met me in between to cheer me up.
The birds added color in my paths.
The dogs were cozy and big in size but the most docile I have ever met.
The cold made me anxious “will I get good sleep tonight”.
The camping sites were breathtaking – did not want to leave the place.
The food was yummy
The company of friends and family was awesome!
I want to go back, just like that! So is life.
Gratitude to Himalayan Treks for making it happen –https://www.harkidun.org/vijay-top/