The project “Team build” was born with the need of another residential building at Aarohi.
Just one announcement
Few interested
Few thinking
Few indifferent
Some joined
Some stayed
Some left
Some hanged around
First, what all are the options? Dreaming, Researching, Imagining, Ideating
Then, Meeting Samyukta and Stanzin from Earth Build to give muddy shape to our dreams
They took us through the design process – what are the needs, for whom are we building, what all are the requirements. Then it was to understand “where” in the campus. From dream to action.
Then we played with our imagination while designing – different shapes, different ideas
And then it was to understand the budget and space and dimensions
We moved ahead to give a shape to our imagination – made designs and plans of the spaces.
And now to see “what it is” – we made a small model – maths needed! Well, had few sessions to understand angles (to make sloping roof), unit conversion (all about inches and cms), and geometry (all about shapes and area). Pythagorus theorem could not stay away from us – we made friends with it.
And then it was about exploring the material – what and why? The constraints of different material for each building at the campus led to exploring Adobe Bricks – the soil testing, procuring hay and all were part of the reality!
Well, we made and tested our bricks
And then marking on the ground, the friendship with Pythagorus theorem helped in tough timings of getting a rectangle for the ground marking.
And in between designing, detaling, understanding and dreaming about our new building
Work in progress…Join Stanzin and Smayukta with Aarohi kids in the this journey of making our own homes with mud.