Can I feel the love in air for myself. Can I accept (my)Self with its conflicting ends. What being kind to myself does to me?

I don’t need to be in love with myself. I don’t need to hate myself.
But somewhere I need to be KIND to myself.
To me one of most important Habit of Mind is KINDNESS
People usually talk about kindness to others – which is important;
And more important is to be kind to myself. We end up being unkind to ourselves in many ways.
When we don’t do, we say, “I lack motivation“- Maybe we are just being self.
When we lose our cool, We end up being unkind to ourselves in many ways we say, “I am impatient“- Maybe we are just being self.
When we feel shy or guilty – Maybe, we are not shy or guilty, we are just being self.
When we do something smart, we say, “I am so intelligent- Maybe, we are just being self.
All in bold above are just words – at all times we are just our self.
And we would do a great favor to self by being KIND to self.
We can forgive ourselves when we mess up.
We can accept ourselves when we mess up.
We can be kind to ourselves, from 14th Feb to 13th Feb – each year.