Wake up at 5am
Why shoes?
Small water bottle is enough?
I have never trekked
I have done many
How long is it?
How far is this?
So high?
So far?
I donot know why this experience!
It was cloudy day
Ah! Its so nice
Ah! I can run
Oh! Rocks and stones and thorns – Now I know why shoes!
Some fast, some slow – lets wait for all – but why?
Now I know what is is about the community!
Hey! the Banyan tree
Oh so large
Ah!let me climb
Let me swing
But why to go?
Let’s stay here
Now I know why to trek!
Oh! Jamoon tree
Ah! Jamoons hanging
Can we have some, we asked the owner
Hey! who else if not the kids, said the owner of the land
Now I know what is sharing.
Rocks and slopes and smiling villagers
Saying welcome, go this way
We climbed and reached
Ah! Now I know I can do.
Food on top of the rock
Wind oh! Wind
Let me collect some in my hands
Rocks oh! Rocks
Let me ride some on my back
Height oh height
Let me take view
Monkeys oh monkeys
Let me know who you are
Now I know why this experience!
Walk back
But why not stay here
Now hot sun
No water. Now I know why big bottle of water
Jamoon tree again – lets pluck some
Banyan tree – lets’ play again
Now I know what is joy of nature!
Some ahead, some behind
Why to wait
Then what is group?
Some reached before, some after
Some tired
Some “oh! its okay”
Now I know “worth it” said some!