Author: admin

  • Exposure in sessions

    When it comes to choosing what we want to do (our intelligence), we all choose what we relate most. Some choose to play football (body intelligence) while some will choose to read (word intelligence) or paint (visual intelligence) or connect with people (Intra personal). At the same time, different sessions and exposures allow us to…

  • Jatre – Levers

    Where do all we use levers in our daily life?Try wrestling with your elbow down and I’m the air. When it is easier? Lift some weight with your elbow straight and with your elbow supporting at the floor…which one is easier? Life a pile of books with your little finger and then lift with a…

  • Jatre – Fights

    A session on the fight was triggered from fights in the community including verbal and physical. We pondered, we did not look for any solutions. What is a fight? Why do we fight? What do we gain or loose? What are the alternatives to express or convey? Fight is disagreement, conflicts, difference of opinion, not…

  • Jatre – Food and Health

    It began with a minutes silence.“You are what you eat”. What we eat it has its own characteristics. What we put in the mouth can be good or bad it depends on what it has. And whatever goes inside, becomes our body. Who do you want to be handsome, tall, beautiful, strong? When you think…

  • Jatre – Coorg

    Journey to Coorg with Lakshmi and Rajappa. Coorg or KodaguCoorg and CoffeeCoorg and ForestCoorg and rainPeople and CourageCoorg and SportsCoorg and HockeyCoorg and CricketCoorg and BadmintonCoorg and WrestlingCoorg and 5 lacs people and 4000kmsCoorg and PlantationCoorg and Mango CurryCoorg and Jackfruit CurryCoorg and Bamboo Shoot CurryBamboo and MushroomsCoorg and TribalsCoorg and HoneyCoorg and TimberCoorg and…

  • Outdoor to Fire Station

    Visit to the fire station fired many questions in our souls How do they feel when they are not able to rescue people?What makes them courageous?What kind of fuel does fire vehicle need?Do they enjoy their job?What do they feel when they go inside the fire?How do they feel when they rescue all?What fitness do…

  • Mindful Lunch

    Issues – Food waste, Not trying different food, now knowing what all is served, overeating and so on.Solution by Kitchen team ‘mindful lunch’ – feel, see, touch, hear and smell your food.

  • We all are different!

    We all are same because we all are different. Understanding of multiple intelligence allowed us to understand self and also others and their intelligence also. We began our term planning with multiple intelligence – the frame work helped us to know where one is going or rather where one is wanting to go. Some worked…

  • Feedback to grow

    Feedback is evolving as an interesting process at Aarohi. It brings the comfort that we don’t have to be perfect and we can also change. Feedback adds value to our growth. Feedback on facilitation, parent involvement, and codes. FACILITATION What facilitation works – Guidance, mutual openness, fun, serious, lectures, discussions, understanding a point of view,…

  • Study Smart – Maths

    Some of us like maths, some are horrified…we explored with Sangeetha how can we study smarter when it comes to maths. Many times it’s not about the operations of maths or to know the calculations but about understanding the problem.So here are the few steps to approach any maths problemFirst Step – Check the units…

  • Do Nothing Friday

    Do nothing comes from the concept of spending time with yourself. This Friday after we made our own breakfast, we spent time with ourselves. No timings, no planning, no talking, no following, no working with anyone else…purely with self. A short film on ‘being friend to self’ helped us connect with self. We explored mindfulness…

  • Times of Aarohi

    Imagine Aarohi where there are no tests and exams – because we believe that children can assess themselves, can reflect on this work on an ongoing basis. Also because children do not need to learn for some external objective (marks) but for their own love for learning. How do we assess? Reflection is one while…

  • Reflection to assess

    We experience, we do and live life, we learn but our measures are measured when someone else (examiners) in their own perspective with their own limitations assess (examination and results). We rarely pause and reflect on self, our day, our experiences and our learning. Reflection at Aarohi is one of the ways to assess. When…

  • Cooperation

    Each news is good news! Fights at the campus among the members is good news! It gave us an opportunity to understand about cooperation. Each one of us shared “what is cooperation?” – Work together, benefit by coming together, work together with peace, mutual help or support, respecting mutual spaces, supporting each other, listening and…

  • Desire

    It starts with a “DESIRE” at Aarohi. I want to paint, I want to play Cricket, I want to cook food, I want to read, I want to teach maths to others, I want to perfect my art, I want to work with mud, I want to make mud wall, I want to make a…

  • Permaculture with Upendra

    A day with Permaculture with Upendra. Upendra, an engineer started his journey with a dream to build bridges. He grew up with a dream to play cricket. And every time he played, he destroyed something. As an engineer, he built few bridges and destroyed many resources to build that connectivity. Something did not feel good,…

  • Live Life

    Often holidays means ‘food, entertainment, and shopping”. At the Aarohi campus the life continues all days, we have no holidays as all days are holidays for us – We cook, we visit places, we work together, we watch movies, we discuss, we get the repairs done, we visit market with a BIG list for the…

  • Cake and Occasion

    No occasion, just a day. It was enough for our team to make a cake. They got together to make a cake. They decided to make chocolate with coco powder, They did not find cream, no issue they made with milk cream, They did not get butter, they added oil. No maida, they made with…

  • Handle repair

    A screw of the pressure cooker lid came out. He decided to fix it. He stayed with it for 25 minutes. Trying….Trying….Trying…and finally he got it.Watch the video ImagineAarohi, a life education, where learning happens because children want to learn from their life – for their life.Imagine Aarohiwhichdoes not make the learning easy. Children like…

  • Jatre – Rocks and Minerals

    It began with ponderingWhat is rock? What are minerals?Where all do we find?What all comes from rock ?Where all rocks and minerals are used ? When we looked around us, we realized that rocks and minerals are so much part of our life. We use them in wall, roof, floor, pen, watch, mobile, glass, blackboard,…

  • Bus Library

    Yes, We began with a dream to have our library in a bus. The community tried to get the bus in many different ways and one day we came to know about the auction of an old government library bus. We had only heard about the auction in movies, not in real life. Some kids…

  • Letter to Supermom

    Letter writing is forgotten tools of expression. Thanks to Supriya from Delhi to share her thoughts with us and sending us a box full of letter pads to write letters to our mothers. To begin we explored what is letter writing? We shared various experiences of receiving or writing letters. Later we also brain stormed…

  • Term Planning

    Imagine Aarohi where there is no teaching – because we believe that children can decide how they want to learn – on their own, with each other and from various resources, etc. Hmmm… this sounds skeptical as many of us believe that one can learn only when one is taught. At Aarohi we look at…

  • Our Body is the key to our Mind

    With time and contemporary education the focus on body movements diminished yet the desire to make mind more productive increased by leaps and bounds. Are body and mind two separate entities or mind is part of the body?

  • Learning in small things

    From a mother’s diary – our neighbor’s son and my son (Advay) are both 6-year-olds and are very good friends. They play together a lot. 2 days back, Advay came back home inspired to do the same home work that his friend was given at his school: to create “Indian flag”.He first created the flag…

  • Teasing and Living

    The topic of Monday thought club comes from our life at Aarohi. Teasing is part of our life at the campus. We expanded it to “Bullying”. First, it was about exploring what is bullying, we came up with our experiences of – gossip, name-calling, physical abuse, playing a prank, putting down, isolation, rumors etc. When…

  • Acceptance Frames

    Does a bad behavior indicates bad intention? No, it does not. Behind any behavior the intention is always good. Focus on change of specific action will be fruitful than judging the intention. Accept intentions and guide for actions.

  • Myth of the misbehaved child

    Are the behavior and character same? Does a misbehave make me a bad person? All of us are work in progress so why to bother child for their misbehavior. Rather give them the gift of understanding and help them to flourish.

  • Jatre – Wind

    Our reporter at the campus shared wind speed 23km/ hr. Wind speed at the campus has changed from 8km/ hour to 23km/ hrs. We can feel the flying power of the wind at the campus. The experience of change in speed called for a session on an understanding wind. We pondered…. What is the wind?…

  • Community Satsang – Mythology

    Community Satsang hosted by Jayita, Twesha, Lalit, and Kanchan at their home.Mythology was the theme and that brought a thought…what is Mythology? Characters of Kumbhakaran, Mahabali, Krishna, Water, Fire, Shiva, Ram, Ravana, Saraswati, Soopernekha, Moon, Prophet Mohammed, Prahald, Lakshmi, Sun, Greek goddess, Bahubali, Zeus, Poseidon, Air..all came alive with each one of relating to one…