Often holidays means ‘food, entertainment, and shopping”. At the Aarohi campus the life continues all days, we have no holidays as all days are holidays for us – We cook, we visit places, we work together, we watch movies, we discuss, we get the repairs done, we visit market with a BIG list for the campus, we read, we plan and we just LIVE.
It was not easy to bring this culture of no holidays or all days holidays at the campus! It began with us changing our habits and mind sets. It also began with self-discipline. It began with us!
Our tools needed homes. and this brought an opportunity for some of us to the campus to work on carpentry. Some of us got together and started with designing, composing and doing. For some, it was first time touching a hammer or operate a drill machine or use saw. For some of us, it was an easy breeze as we have been using it for a long. There were no barriers of the age. We worked together to create a magic in our tool room.
We needed to buy our monthly grocery and also a long list of repairs. All of us divided the list as per our strength, went to together to the market and just did it!.
We wanted to cook and try different things, Each day we cooked and cooked in different ways. Finally, we made millet chapati and we liked it!
Watching movies is not as easy as it sounds. It requires to satisfy each one’s need, age appropriate, should have high ratings and good reviews, different language or theme and so on. Breakfast in the morning is dedicated to “which movie to watch?”
Community Satsang was on Mythology – we read, we decided our characters, we made props and we took part in the community in exploring mythology.
Life does not stop at the campus with breaks or weekends. As nature does not stop working during weekends, they continue with their journey.