Each news is good news! Fights at the campus among the members is good news!
It gave us an opportunity to understand about cooperation.
Each one of us shared “what is cooperation?” – Work together, benefit by coming together, work together with peace, mutual help or support, respecting mutual spaces, supporting each other, listening and listening, understand needs, caring, helping, understanding each other, expect support from others, listening to each other, work together to achieve task, involvement, participation, doing and allow others to do.
Next, we shared our own experiences we had at the campus of cooperation – while playing hide and seek to cooperate for the timings, help in finding things, forming rules, take turns in working, listening to different ideas.
Each one of us shared one strategy to bring or increase cooperation at the campus – Mindfulness, Get involved in other person’s work, Offer help, Community’s help for reminder, Participation, Make badge, Start doing so it becomes a habit, listen to others rather go ring fault, speak after others have spoken, making it a habit to listen and answer rather ignoring, work with understanding of each other, Empathise, Listen and them give suggestion. Listen and then talk, by changing the thinking from me to we, sharing time and skills, seek help and give help.
One child concluded, “let’s remember I is illness WE is wellness”.
Often when we talk about “values” to our kids, we expect the results to come overnight. Even though kids shows the understanding, it takes sometime to make it a habit or make it a change. Isn’t learning a value is like learning a new concept in maths. While the child gets it very quickly the vocabulary of addition, it takes time, practice, experiences and efforts to master it. Are values or social tools like cooperation, perseverance, patience (we call the habits of mind) are also not “concepts”?
We believe that developing these success skills needs UNDERSTANDING, EXPERIENCES, PRACTICE, and REPETITIONS. So just one session is not enough – we need to bring them in our daily life, we need to spend time with them REGULARLY.