We all are same because we all are different. Understanding of multiple intelligence allowed us to understand self and also others and their intelligence also. We began our term planning with multiple intelligence – the frame work helped us to know where one is going or rather where one is wanting to go. Some worked more in word intelligence while some worked more with visual and music, some worked in logic while some worked in people. The realization that all are equal but are different also made us more comfortable with our choices.
During the Jatre some were clear Albert Einstein is more intelligent than Mother Teressa, but as we explored the concept of intelligence not intelligent we realized that science and self all are equal in their intelligence. It’s not about how much is one intelligent but HOW is one intelligent. This was important to understand as this helps in stay connected with our choices.
In 1983, through his book “Frames of Mind: The theory of Multiple Intelligence”, (MI) Howard Gardner, challenges the notion that intelligence is singular. Since we are all different, we are also differently intelligent. And the moment I know ‘how I am intelligent’ it is easier for me to excel in that field – in terms of learning, specialization and potential career. In fact IQ tests, etc., tend to look at intelligence in one dimension only. The moment we consider a child good in music at par with a child good in maths, at par with a child good in sports, at par with a child good in making friends and dealing with others – we open up a new vista of opportunities for children to succeed.
Multiple Intelligence (MI) looks at Intelligence in seven ways: If you’re good at reading, writing, telling stories you are Linguistically Intelligent. However if use your body through sports, dancing, acting, crafts, tools, etc then you are Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligent. Somebody good at visualizing, designing, painting, arranging, etc., is Visually Intelligent. While Math-Logically Intelligent people are strong in logic, reasoning, problem-solving, analytic thinking, etc., Musically Intelligent people show talent in singing, playing instruments, rhythms, composing, etc.
Once we acknowledge that there are more than one ways of being intelligent, we start acceptingeach child as uniquely intelligent. If the measurement and comparison on the scale of intelligence are removed, rather an effort is made to identify the child’s unique strengths, the boost she gets in terms of self-esteem and self-confidence is immeasurable. What happens to the child who sits in the back row and almost always sings but scorns at maths. The moment he is ALSO accepted as intelligent the teacher as well as the child’s approach towards learning changes.