When it comes to choosing what we want to do (our intelligence), we all choose what we relate most. Some choose to play football (body intelligence) while some will choose to read (word intelligence) or paint (visual intelligence) or connect with people (Intra personal).
At the same time, different sessions and exposures allow us to get exposed to other intelligence. One who would not explore yoga and meditation by choice, design it for the group when it comes to preparing for the session in the sunshine. Or one who would not choose to speak in front of the people, design a session in thought club to address to the whole group.
Daily diet comes to us in the form of a quotation, a word of the week, a law and a puzzle.. different usage, meaning, synonymous, antonym, story behind the word, usage and usage in different Language and many more. Puzzles ranging from visual to logic allows one to think differently and solve them – sometimes logically, sometimes totally illogically. Law of the week ranging from physics to social laws introduces us to various terminology which we may not look for otherwise like – thermodynamics, a law of heat or consumer rights.
Sunshine – Fitness is one of the least explored areas of our living. Understanding what is flexibility or stamina comes when one design sessions for the group and caters to various fitness needs.
Music Jockey of the week…Becoming Music Jockey is an opportunity to think about needs of others and explore different culture and music. While there is a responsibility to bring new exposure, there was also a requirement to find out about the music choices of others. Sometimes It is difficult to play music for others, but not impossible.
Outdoor – It’s not only about going and visiting the place but organizing the whole event for the group of 20-30 people. It begins with connecting with people, scheduling, planning, arranging transport, writing notices and caring.
Reporter – Ranging from weather report, national report or social report. For some, it’s an opportunity to understand ‘what is news’ while some freak out with news of their choice. Food news or social news allows us to know about things connected to our lives.
Active We – It’s not only about working together but also understanding what goes in making of any space. The entire community comes together to contribute to the campus ranging from farming to making mud wall for our sports cabin.
Planning – It begins with a jig or a game. We play, but to plan a play for 30 people involves different skills. Understanding the day/week of not only self but also of others involves an ability to coordinate and listening.
Thought Club – It’s not only about me thinking, but ho w to make other think in thought club involves looking at my ideas in many different forms. The variety in thought club brings an opportunity to explore various learning and presentation tools.
Guest and Bedding – Ah! We love when guest visit. It begins with receiving them and then taking them around to introduce the campus, I know about the campus but when it comes to explaining other about the same it requires an ability to comprehend and summarized. A lot more thinking goes when one has to answer ‘whys” of the curious guest visiting the campus.
Health and Hygiene – It’s not social science but its life. Why brush or how does the community gets affected with lice. Exploring food and health becomes part of this responsibility.
Jatre – Conducting Jatre on any topic ask for a skill of teaching, Peer learning is encouraged and a realization that each one of us is capable in some or other skills. Learning multiplies when one teaches others and in Jatre we teach to many.
Imagine Aarohi where there is no teaching
Imagine Aarohi where there are no classes
Imagine Aarohi where there are no tests and exams
Imagine Aarohi, a life education, a learning community of children and adults where we all are equal partners, we all work together and learn from our life – for our life. We all are same because we all are different!