Category: Blogs

  • Path Painiting

    Two kids expressed “we want to do painting”. I tried to understand what do they needed from me. They did not need anything, they only needed assistance in setting up material for their task. I as a bit tired and tried offering sheets to paint instead of painting on the floor – but they were…

  • Chemical

    Two kids came to me on Sunday morning “lets do some kitchen science”. Hmmmmm I had planned some rest day for me, but their enthusiasm excited me. We began with discussing ‘what is kitchen science’. One of them shared “its about chemicals”. Well, the next pondering question was “what is chemical”. One of then said,…

  • Karral Aarohi – Campus

    One of the learning resource at Aarohi is the environment itself. Kids in Karral Aarohi have been exploring solar system, water system, kitchen garden, swings, etc as learning tools in different session. Initially it begins with touching, asking, ‘what is this’? In next session we convert the curiosity in learning experience During one of the…

  • Karral Aarohi – Computers

    Kids expressed the need to learn computers. Well, first thought was to ‘teach’ them, second thought was something different. In Karral Sunday session we brought laptop as a learning tool – we used it for writing attendance, expressing feelings and recording songs…..We did not teach them yet they explored it. We did reflection using laptop.…

  • Karral Aarohi – Ball

    During a session in Karral Aarohi kids expressed that they want to play with ball at campus – We started with hoola hoop and stayed long with it. Later explored ball in different forms of games, we smelt the ball, felt the the ball…excitement in the environment to throw higher and higher and return faster…

  • What is Aarohi

    Some asked us What is Aarohi? A space to learn Some asked us What is your philosophy? We said we had none Some asked us What are your methods? A thousand and one Some asked us How do children learn? All by themselves In that case What do you do? With them we also learn…

  • Dream house

    One child was working on making of her own dream house; where she can read books, sleep, play, have peaceful time. She started with the size of the house : “How big it should be?” Then she thought let me design (Draw) it to be clear. She started with drawing and lead towards thinking for…

  • Visit to GG Industries

    Visit to a Machine component workshop We visited GG Industries in Rajajinagar, thanks to Selvi Aunty. We saw machines which could run on electricity and also machines which do the same work manually when there is no electricity. It was wonderful to see how a small unit can hold so many machines and can complete…

  • Learning in Re-use

    Waste plastic is one of material which keeps challenging us – we keep looking for ideas to reuse, reduce the plastic. We tried making – pillow, bed for our kittens, roof sheets for sona (cow at campus). Stitching plastic sheets was interesting experience – this gave exposure to sewing machine.

  • Orange and Air

    “A Welcome” is small little activity or resource – kept for each person to explore in their own way. One child kept two diff shape glass tumblers with water and spoon in it with a tag “observe 3 three things” One child kept a bucket of water with a inverted mug and a question “where…

  • Karral Aarohi – Music

    We were exploring musical instrument with children from nearby village.After children used musical instruments, they explored about musical instruments – What is the material? How do they make sound? How else they can make sound? Then we all made sounds from parts of the body – some made from lips, nose, throat, hands, legs, mouth,…

  • Is this learning?

    We do not how motor works, do not know why things move forward – what all we do is just make and make the same thing in different forms. We are in the process of making our own ‘theories’ – not in a hurry to know what is the establish views about circular movements and…

  • Gender Equality

    Mr Rakesh is cycling across India to understand ‘gender equality’ in India. As he says “we have stringent laws to stop crime against women, but the crime still happens.’ He is trying to find what social dynamics leads to these crimes and how we look at gender in our society. His interaction at campus raised…

  • Visual Composition

    We began with labelling resources. We explored different aspect of visual composition – size, letter styling, dimensions, spacing, color combination. It took one day to make one label for the child who was involved in making of this label. He likes decorating, he copies pictures from the books – but to compose something on his…

  • Sona’s home

    Sona’s (Fatmia akka’s cow) new shelter is in progress. It began with visits to nearby villages and surveying different mud houses. Apaprt from this our training included talking to few people whohave worked with Mud (Cob) construction. We also saw some amazing design of cob houses on internet. All of us at campus spend one…

  • Maths Course

    Maths course in progress at Aarohi – Some of us meet regularly in the afternoon. Everyone is at different level of maths skills. We start with understanding where I am in maths – do I know process, am I clear about concept and where all do I apply? We together test our skills and based…

  • Scientific Enquiry

    What Edison is famous for is inventing the lgith bulb, but we think what he should be famous for is for failing in 3000 ways. In many ways he showed the world what not do. His failing or mistakes were the corner stone of his journey. Lets teach our kids to make mistakes, play around…

  • Youtube

    One child was searching on youtube “how to make robots”. I asked him to try without youtube, he expressed “I do not know”. I asked “If you are on an island and there is no internet then what? Will you not learn anything if youtube is not available? He looked at me puzzled and said…

  • Story of making of wall painting

    Story of making of wall painting. Video tells you the whole story

  • Community Living

    Last few weeks the topic of sex is being handled in many different forms at campus – It began with complain against one child. As we went deeper into the issue we realized how each one of us are contributing in many different ways – some tease each other, some make pairs, some use foul…

  • Discipline at Aarohi

    Like any other place, Aarohi is also not free from some discipline issue – stealing, teasing, hurting, bullying, breaking codes… We have been trying many different things, but mostly when it comes to discipline, children would approach faculty and would seek support from adults, including parents.Current situation of self discipline at Aarohi was rated as…

  • Sona at Campus

    Sona (Fatima Akka’s cow) – joined the campus few weeks back. Her presence at campus makes us realized, so much less we know about the life around us. It all began with some kids responding “I am scared”. But we did not do anything to make anybody comfortably – slowly some kids started to go…

  • Oil and leaves

    Few weeks back we had flies at campus – few kids experimented with eucalyptus leaves. We plucked few leaves, grinded them in mixie, sieved, added water and mop the floor. Though we added loads of leaves – we did not get smell. But when we added few drops oil. we got very strong smell. Still…

  • Simple tools

    New excitement at campus – just few swings made out of tyres, old shutters. One ladder made up of bamboo kept horizontally and few sticks tied horizontally to the trees. Every week we add some lids, boxes, and bottles in sand toys and kids scream with excitement “thank you”. Just few simple tools and we…

  • Karral Aarohi

    We began our journey at O-campus with hiring a small house in nearby village, hiring locals to help in construction…one of the vision of O-campus is have whole neighbourhood as a learning space for all. We met few parents from the villages to know how O-campus can be part of their children growing. Parents expressed…

  • Math Mall

    The week began with a display “Welcome to Math Mall – shop for Math Puzzle, Stimulation, session on why maths, or make surveyor’s wheel or use different Math Resources”. Day one Kids went around, many shopped for math puzzle, they had doubts about how to bring maths in daily life and browsed through various maths…

  • Reset the day

    One child began with dreaming of owning a Go-kart. We dwelt more in making the dream reality, we found that it is Rs 70,000/-. The child was sure of himself that he does not want to spend this much money on something like this “what If I like horse or bike later?”. Well, he began…

  • Everything at once

    We are all – we are naughty, we are selfish, we are caring, we are soft, we are harsh, we are gentle, we are ALL at different times. Let our children be free of us – let us allow them to be ALL. Listen to this lovely song by Lenka (video below) LYRICSAs sly as…

  • Why maths

    I did maths in my school, mostly as a process not as understanding. Till it was basic maths, I was fine, when it came to application of maths, my procedural methods did not work and I started losing maths in my life. Understanding physics became difficult – I used mugging methods and sailed through all…

  • Learner and Learning

    Learning is when a learner is ready and want to learn. We cannot bound it in age or in subjects. One child is learning Bharatnatyam, she announced “I can teach Bhartanatyam”. She got three students…all were of different age. Watch video to see the relation of the learner and the teacher – all in harmony.…