It is rewarding for parents and children to have a transparent channel of communication regarding sex education. Here are some resources we found useful.

We all go through challenges when we deal with the topics related to sex education.
I find books as a easy resource to start conversation about what it is to be a girl or a boy. Recommend to keep these books as part of your common book shelf where kids can access them easily, Also keep both books as it is equally important to know about other gender too.
Some Books
- I found it simple, child friendly and easy to explain the concept like sexual intercourse, child birth, puberty. One copy of the book is available in geniekids library for reference. Book Title- It’s So Amazing! – A book about Eggs, Sperm, Birth, Babies and Families”. Writers – Robie H Haris, Illustrated by – Michale Emberley, Published by – Candlewick Press
- Body Talk* More about the book here:
- Just for boys, written by Matt Crossick, published by Parragon and Just for girls, written by Matt Crossick, published by Parragon. Both available on flipcart

Also sometimes these topics are taboo and laughed at so your child may like to hide and read, basically would like to not reveal that he/she is reading about this topic. They are sometimes bothered with the teasing and being targeted. You may like to talk about this too, share how you feel and how would you like to support your child.
Early you start exposure of these books, easy for you and child to deal with such issues. But if your child is already 9-10 years or above, start NOW!!!
I have used these books with many kids and receive all kinds of responses – some just browse through, some are apprehensive to talk, some not like to read in public, some like to talk/ask more, some giggle, some scream with embarrassment no – aunty it’s dirty, some are absolutely oblivious. I just keep them in common shelf and keep them available for reference.
Few resources
- An organisation based in Chennai to spread awareness about sex education
- The author writes about the fascinating system of education prevalent among the tribals of Central India, known as Ghotul. The young ones of the tribe are taught the ways of life from their early years. Among some tribal sects, the male and female are not distinguished from each other in their upbringing and they grow up in perfect harmony, in preparation for perfect relationships
- Watch this with your child to initiate the discussion
You may also go through the links (covers various aspects of sex education)