Category: drupal-import

  • Planning Learning Calander

    Do kids plan their bday parties? And given a chance they start planning their parties by the age of 4yrs, some even earlier – whom will they call, where will they have the party, what shape of the cake, what candies to distribute, what snacks to have, which dress to wear and so on. If…

  • Play with Emotions

    Sophrology means knowing of consciousness and knowing our emotions and manage them. A session with Marie from France allowed us to play with emotions. After working for various companies in accountancy in France, she opted for an alternative life and that led her exploring Sorphology and she enjoys it! We played with two emotions –…

  • Sophrology with Marie

    Sophrology means knowing of consciousness and knowing our emotions and manage them. A session with Marie from France allowed us to play with emotions. (from wikipedia –Sophrology, from Ancient Greek σῶς / SOS (“harmony”), φρήν / PHREN (“mind”), and -λογία / -logia (“study/science”), is the study of the consciousness in harmony; a healthcare philosophy made…

  • Peer Feedback

    This blog is wriiten by Asawari, she was part of Aarohi for few years and then joined Swaraj University at Udaipur and here are thoughts as guide, as learner and as a facilitator. Her blog also at My thoughts of Peer feedback as a process in self –directed learning, this is from my experience at…

  • Growing own food

    No knowledge, no degrees, no education in growing our food. Yes! this is where we began our journey of kitchen garden. All we had was desire to grow. We experimented, we failed many times, we read, we met people, we tried many things, we understood our land (soil), we visited places and continued to work.…

  • Jatre – Halloween

    Jatre Halloween – The eve of celebrating holy spirit. Hallow (holy spirit), Eve (evening). Namrata took us through the journey of this festival. Its origin ( Celtics celebrating Samhain) to be safe from evil spirit.Belief – Most culture believes that in some or other forms spirits visits us. And that’s the culture behind dressing up…

  • FIsrt Aid Quiz

    One way to learn and get trained about SAFETY – is by taking a quiz – which we have purposefully designed not so much to test – but to help assimilate important SAFETY information in a clear manner. Link for Aarohi Safety Training Quiz 1: We will be making many such SAFETY quizzes –…

  • Creative Life

    Watched this documentary on Friday in continuation of our “Passions o profession”. The movie was chosen consciously to not to bring any excitement or bring cool stuff. Few found it boring, few found it slow. few were restless while some were engrossed. But the movie brought reality and life behind any creation!A 52 minute documentary…

  • Ever changing learner

    The journey of a 12yrs old, who grew up with a love for vehicles. As a child of 4yrs old, he would draw and draw jeeps and buses and trucks. He even started to save money to buy a bike when he would be 18urs old. Soon he grew out of vehicles and started making…

  • Just a minute FEAR

    Jam just a minute – pick a topic and speak for a minute. Topic was “my fears”.We all have fear. But we don’t talk about our fear much. We just spoke for a minute and that’s all. None have a any suggestions to deal with it, none was looking for any solutions. We just came…

  • Rivers and Pond

    Three years back we just started planting trees. We planted 100 trees in first batch, only 10 survived – we did not know how to care for the trees or simply we did not know anything about growing. We learnt as we grew with our kids at the campus. We experimented, we read, met people,…

  • Scaling Up

    We all dream of becoming something, we all connect with something or other but when it comes to doing often we are disappointed with our own lack of skills and our own capabilities. Each dream needs necessary skills to be developed – some skills we have , while some skills we develop. Isn’t education is…

  • Cat’s Home

    Some kids at the campus during summer felt that the cats at the campus do not have the home. Kids of various ages got involved in making homes for cats using cartoon boxes. They watched vidoes on how to make cat homes reusing t-shirts and so on. Now that they had made the homes, they…

  • Small Hands

    No hands are so small to make a difference. Four hands making a difference by handling bio gas and it’s maintenance during the campus care.

  • Jatre – Clocks

    Horologist, a person who makes clocks and repair clocks. Naveen, now a entrepreneur in making Montessori material started his journey with his family business of watches. They were Horologists ! He shared his story. His grandfather (60 yrs back), a weaver was bored of his work. He was looking for a challenging job. He got…

  • Jatre – Trees with Abhiram

    Abhiram, a Khoji from Swaraj, shared what all he has learnt about trees and farming in last few years. It began with ponderingHow did life started on the earth? What is life?What is forest?What all helps in creating life ? How to water the trees? Or where to water trees? At the roots, around the…

  • Outdoor to Sri Nanjundeswara hills @ Kelamangalam:

    Outdoor to explore Nature around us: We searched and connected with locals to find a place to ‘trek or do rock climbing’, Our search told us that there are temples to climb (many on the hilltops). So we settled with one temple to Sri Nanjundeswara hills. One of them went for Reiki trip with some…

  • Tic Tac Toe

    We all play games – we at Aarohi also use games to reflect and add value in our learning journey. We played Tic-Tac-Toe in many different forms. We used the game to explore various skills we used the various works we did, what all we need to develop and what all we already have. The…

  • Self Feedback

    At the campus, experiences come in many different forms. This week we traced the skills and analyzed if we needed to reduce or increase any activities or change our schedule. Our analysis showed us that,rather than spending time on unwanted stuff which is not adding value in our development,all we need to do isdevelop efficiency,…

  • Needs and Feelings

    Bad News – Bad feelings for each other over some of the behaviors – “He took my stuff without asking me. He pushed me. He was teasing me. He was namecalling me. He was interfering with my work. He did not listen to me…” Good news – Opportunity to understand “needs and wants”. And explore…

  • telling a lie

    Telling a lie Introduction: i am the pmo of aarohi (publicity media officer, I am 12yrs old). And i have taken an interview of some parents and children in aarohi. And as you know i am writing about what people feel and what kind of thoughts come in their mind when somebody lies or they…

  • Jatre – Bus Donation

    Art of asking in Jatre on Bus donation.We have a bus for our library, we need money for the bus. So what do we ask for? We explored the power of persuasion.Add Pathos (emotions).Add Logos (logic)Add Ethos (credibility) Just a small amount (Logos)When you visit, you can also visit (Ethos)This bus is good, had good…

  • AKD – Estimation

    AKD special – Estimation.We use Estimation on daily basis – how much to cook? How much to buy? How to plan our day? How much profit? Why my idea will sell? Where to invest? – we estimate based on our experience or data available or analysis.Estimation is a skill we introduced in Jatre for AKD.…

  • Meaningful Conversation

    Meaningful conversation in Our Jaatre – The purpose to experienceConversation which adds value to me, to othersConversation which helps in knowing my friends more and deeperConversation which connects me with others Peer group of 7 to 45 formed a group and pondered on questions “What is education? Is caring is the only way to respect…

  • Camping

    “Camping” was the word where it all began. Two of them started dreaming and just talking about it. With every conversation, their dream became bigger. Finally, they started planning – invited more people to join, wrote notices with details. And finally, they began. Few more joined. They tested tents, made safety notes, planned food, and…

  • An open letter to Teachers

    Teachers impact children’s life to a great extent. Does teaching happens from textbooks or from books of life. In that case are we all not the student in class of life? Let’s all the life in the same room of class.

  • Poetry

    Open any pageHighlight some wordsRewrite themAnd a poem is ready.And top it with some poetry reading, Just the perfect recipe for an afternoon magic of one!

  • Maths Games – Fraction

    Played the game of Rummy with Fraction. Initial reactions were “let’s play the same game as we played last time”. Last week we played the Rummy with addition.But we when discovered that 1/2 is same 2/4 or 4/8, the game of RUmmy became interesting. We played and played. Games to play using playing cards -

  • Under a tree

    Lie down under a tree – Observe 50 new things. Look for lines, patterns, life, designs, feelings, thoughts and beyond….and write what you feel like aboutthe tree. A poem, a letter, a note or a story.

  • Falling Sick

    Bad news – Few kids falling sick very frequently Good news – Opportunity to understand food and health. The journey began with questioning “do we know how does food gives energy?”. Hmmm…only the discovery about food digestion, nutrition absorption by blood cells led to the understanding role of food in our growth. So when we…