One way to learn and get trained about SAFETY – is by taking a quiz – which we have purposefully designed not so much to test – but to help assimilate important SAFETY information in a clear manner.
Link for Aarohi Safety Training Quiz 1: https://goo.gl/forms/3S1dqXhiRCi1SMe63
We will be making many such SAFETY quizzes – each helping children to become more clear and proficient. We have divided safety into four categories – Safety from Animals, Safety from Natural Disasters, Social Safety and First Aid. Each quiz will have a mixed bag of questions from these four.
You can attempt these quizzes alone, with your child, child alone, child with relatives, friends, neighbours, etc … in fact the child can use this quiz as a way to ‘teach’ other people about safety – thereby learning more thoroughly.
Do give feedback.