Do kids plan their bday parties? And given a chance they start planning their parties by the age of 4yrs, some even earlier – whom will they call, where will they have the party, what shape of the cake, what candies to distribute, what snacks to have, which dress to wear and so on. If they can plan this why not their learning?
The term began with making our own learning calendar.
Often kids know that they want to work on their interest (I want to work on football). But to move ahead in any interests (like football or chess), detailing is required – what skills, what abilities what interest etc. A detailed map of skills and abilities allowed to plan in detail. A reflection at the end of the week allowed analyze things like what skills are used more, what needed to be worked on, and what they do not need now (to move ahead with their area of interest). We used CAT map to detail out our learning calendar. Detailing and planning in advance gave further direction to look at our journey.
CAT for Life – Cat as a slang means “expert” and we want to “be CATs of our own life”. To do that we would need are
Competency are the basic skills we need to live our life. Remember most of these competencies once learned or mastered do not need further work (just like you do not need to learn reading or swimming again).
Abilities are the inherent intelligences or abilities that either we’re born with or we develop.
Talent & Interest – is what is either in us or what they call GANAS in spanish – kind of passion, desire or whatever direction my compass points to. Talents is what ticks inside us and Interests are things outside gives us kicks
Do realise often #3 and some of #2 could decide what profession(s) we choose in life – hence recognising and working on them makes sense.
Here is (work-in-progress) document on CAT