Jam just a minute – pick a topic and speak for a minute.
Topic was “my fears”.
We all have fear. But we don’t talk about our fear much. We just spoke for a minute and that’s all. None have a any suggestions to deal with it, none was looking for any solutions. We just came closer to our fears to embrace them, to accept them.
3 minutes preparation for ONE minute Showtime We all presented about our individuals fear: Fear of rejection, heights, accidents, death, being ridiculed, loosing family/belongings, exams, Social acceptance, darkness, dogs, Bulls,cows, snakes, insects, being alone, taking risk, Fear of darkness, fear of insects, fear of water in oceans, Darkness, scared of someone killing me, frogs jumping on me, snakes bcoz they bite, fear of listening about death, souls roaming around me, fear of public speaking stage freight, feeling shy on stags, fear of darkness read about ghosts, Fear of accidents: experience, scared if dog in night walking alone. Fear of accidents. Fear of snake, scared that snake will come in the bed. Requesting others to take out. Fear of darkness, pile of clothes looks as dogs. Fear of dogs., getting lost. Fear of failure and giving up, fear of giving up. Fear of acceptance, learning to express, fear of friends, fear of loosing, past experience, fear of accidents, fear of loosing belongings, loved ones, exam fear, darkness fear, fear of fearlessness.
A video on public speaking gave us idea on how to work on fear of public speaking!
We listened, we laughed and we spoke. That’s all!