Author: admin

  • Planning Why?

    When we add ‘when, why, how, what, where else” to our planning – it helps us to go beyond the task to start thinking about the purpose. And reflection at the end of the day with reflective questions helps to think more. We gave a word and others came up with a question, We did…

  • Life Skills

    Some life skills … like caring, compassion, passion, perseverance, responsibility, sense of humour, common sense, cooperation courage, curiosity, efforts, flexibility, friendship, initiative, Integrity, organisation … the list can go on. Few of these we wish that our kids develop. Each one of has a different wish list. Whatever is the list we can start with…

  • Schools that Train Themselves

    Why schools are mechanical places of mundane activities conducted broadly by staff and teachers. It can be a buzzing learning habitat for everyone who is associated with school in smallest possible way. Such collaboration will lead to wider learnings for everyone.

  • Learn by doing : Setting up a library in classroom.

    A group of Children volunteered to setup a library in a class. This decision left them with pondering questions – about location for library? where do we get books for library? what kind of books? Can we get books from library ? what if library does not have books ? can we get our old…

  • Learn by doing : Making of Firstaid kit.

    Group of children wanted to explore first aid. They wanted to make a kit in their classroom. They pondered about how to make the kit? why do we need kit in classroom? They felt its good to have one in class room. Next week the group came up with first aid box filled with medicines.…

  • Learn by doing : Making of compost

    We watched a video on compost. Children shared the story with thoughts. We also pondered what do we do with our food waste? Do we want to make a compost ? Do we want to use the waste food for our plants? Do we like to make one for school? They shared we don’t have…

  • Learn by doing : Conducting Sports.

    Group of children conducting sports: Few children wished to conduct sports. Only constraint given we all need to play one game and all are included in the game. They explored different sports item in school,listed different games and pondered on which one to play? Explored ground if we can play the game in the ground?…

  • Assessment

    How does life asses us? Does it even care how much marks we got in 10th standard. We are assessed by the skills we develop based on our interest, people skills and various life skills. Why to assess on academic subjects when life is much more than that.

  • Raising Wealthy Children

    Brain is a lazy slave. Create habit of mind to produce more than consumption and earn a rich learning.

  • HEROism

    Outside the silver screen Hero comes in every form, size and shape because a little hero exist inside all of us. Focus your camera to make life as a heroic act of living.

  • Reading Tips

    Reading opens a person to the world which they may have not explored or it helps us to see lives which we have not lived. But reading can add more depth to us if we make it more creative. Read on.

  • Who am I?

    We parents take our role of being child’s driver to seriously . Instead we just create the spark and let children create that fire the way they want. Most fun (un)parenting is being a mirror for the child.

  • Ulta Pulta Exam

    Aren’t you bored of creating same question paper year after year. Don’t you feel reading same answers 100th time is waste of time. Why don’t you have fun by conducting ulta pulta exam?

  • Learning Language

    Why do we need language – to read , to write or to communicate. Do we ever teach mother tongue formally? yet child learns it much before he / she goes to school. Should the language be taught or be learnt?

  • Peaceful Warrior

    Peaceful Warriors, movie based on real life incidences of a Gymnast, Dan Maillman. Many of our kids work on their interest and many times there are hidden expectations or messages to them to ‘be succeful (awards, medals) or an achiever’. Often even when kids talk about any interest they talk about ‘being best, being famous,…

  • Story of Tea

    History is not only about kings, queens, and wars. If one thinks, there is history to everything, history is all around us. Mr. See, who visited Aarohi shared his interest in food and history. He likes to trace ‘How various food affected the world’. He shared ‘when I have interest, I read. I decide each…

  • Elephants at Campus

    Elephants passed through campus. The news can bring shiver or curiosity. At Aarohi we became more curious to know about their movement. Many questions were floating Why did they come inside? What do they come in for? What did they? Where do they go? Can they harm us? Can we harm them? How to understand…

  • Density to Think!

    If you want to be smarter than me, work harder than me. Says, Mr. Seea scientist from Malaysia.Explored density with him…more than the experiment he emphasised on ‘ don’t give up’. He encouraged ‘you are future scientist, think hard, try more, do more ‘. Why egg or sand sinks and watermelon floats?To make a heavy…

  • Kahaani mein kahaani

    Kahaani mein kahaani ‘Th’isclaimer – this story is written with some amount of hinglish. In reality a lot of kannadish, tamilish, telgulish, oompish, gibirish happens. We are being considerate enough to leave that out. In return please beer, bear, behear with our spell-ings and estyle. Fresh morning, fresh children, fresh theme, fresh t(ray) of books…

  • Siddu’s Story – Sirsi

    Once upon a night, the people of Aarohi got a chance to go to Sirsi and stay at George uncle’s farm. The journey started at platform 10 at 10 pm on a dark, cloudy night.Waiting were we until finally the train arrived,Bidding farewell were we,Awaiting us was destiny! There is a saying ” No pain…

  • Novel by Ally – Sirsi

    CHAPTER 1 After a long night’s journey we reached the talguppa station. A very scenic place indeed. What a lovely feeling it was, to feel a nice fresh breeze blow on my face and the wet dew drops on the new saplings. We were hungry, not having any food on the train (as we were…

  • Vaibhavi’s Expressions – Sirsi

    An eight yr old sharing her expressions

  • Visit to Sirsi

    The trip to Sirsi was to explore western Ghats by being in the place. Each one of us had the different experience, we went to the different place and we did different things. Yana trek -Yana is a village located in “forest of Uttara Kannada”. Which is known for its unusual rock formation. It’s located…

  • How to comply

    Is it sometimes difficult getting your child to do what you want him or her todo? Do you often get exasperated over compliance? Did you wish you had somemagic wand to get your child to follow you? Here is an insightful article foryou – “How do I get my child to comply?”:How do I get…

  • Express not Impress

    True connection is honest communication not by creating a façade. Express so that children feel their importance in the family. Don’t seclude them from your being human.

  • 10 Mistakes in Education

    Do our schools really impart an education which will create an individual or they believe in herd mentality. Also as parent what are our beliefs about education. Here we question some beliefs.

  • Curious Minds

    Curiosity is an integral part of learning. The learner can explore much more with an unending curiosity than the one whose curiosity is satiated by some standard answers. Keep curiosity alive and keep exploring.

  • KAA Sirsi

    Outdoor trips bring a different energy at Aarohi. No matter where are we going, we spend time in exploring, understanding and imaging via different sessions. Visiting Sirsi was no different – preparation began a week in advance only to understand our goal and purpose. Some read, some listened, some found more information, some researched in…

  • Wind

    A few weeks back, we started DAILY REPORTER: One of us compile the news ad share in the evening. It can be anything – international, national, local news along with weather report etc. In weather report initially we began with 21km/h wind speed. That was the time we would fly at the campus with this…

  • The need for nature

    Kaa george’s farm Travel: It was a good night in the train we reached the bus had little tea coffee outside in a small shop. the bus ride to the farm was refreshing cold breeze in your face. we reached his farm freshened up and left for yana. Yana: We left for yana. it is…