Author: admin

  • Apprehension

    Dictionary meaning of ‘Apprehensions’ means, ‘Fear or Anxiety about something’. In our learning journey, we are often caught up with ‘apprehensions’. “Will this be good? Will I be able to do? Oh! This is tough, I cannot do” Sometimes we just need a little push to see the magic and wonder inside ourselves. Often self-directed…

  • Solutions

    Using mind map for communication Using words to read without knowing how to read Using colurs to read Using various alternatives to how to find own path.

  • Play and Fun

    Beautiful concept by Headstream to birng play in our lives. As they say “How much fun is too much fun? It’s that time of the year when we join together to have “FUN” and make “PLAY” a by-word for people around us. We are proud to announce ‘Let’s Play & Have Fun 2016’ where we…

  • Mehandi Inspiration

    Avani 5 year old, inspired by Mehandi designs. A small wish to apply mehandi design in her hand made magic in her day . A small constraint to plan time and her own design to have the cone made her to commit . She did magic. She planned her time and design, did setup of…

  • Dome In Progress

    Soaked at work.

  • System admin at work

  • Session Preparation

    Child is diving into preparation mode for conducting sessions.

  • Why learn History?

    Why learn history, asked Siddu. He shared. “Learn history toLearn from their mistakes and understand their political and administration systems and to know some cuisines like kabab and Halwa (which was introduced by Mughals) and yes to understand tourism. In the session he covered about Mughals. Shared stories. The session content was not important but…

  • Yoga with Praveen

    This week Praveen introduced Vinyasa yoga. The word “vinyasa” means “arranging something in a special way,” like yoga poses for example, coordinate movement with breath to flow from one pose to the next.“just compose postures and make your own flows” says Praveen,This opens up scope for more creativity in our yoga sessions

  • Baking Festival

    Its interetsing to work with different food needs.During millet festival, we removed rice compleletley from our dinner – all ate Millets but some wished for rice. During Green Paratha festival we kept rice along with paratha (made with greens Ragi flour and wheat flour). For some Ragi flour was deterent while for some need of…

  • Anna with endless energy

    Anna impressed us with her amazing energy. She is a nanny in England, enjoys her job and described as ‘one of the best thing of her life’. Very natural with art, she created magic at the entrance ofAarohi. She converts child’s art in printable forms and wishing to earn money to support education in Greece…

  • Magic of me – Advay

    Do you know what is Ukulele? This was the question asked byAdvay, who is just five years old, when he started music jam. He explained about Ukulele and shared some of his favourite music. Explaining with clarity and passion.Some of us painted our face for the tiger dance. We enjoyed dancing and his explanations. Make…

  • Acting Kindly

    “Acting Kindly – Printed Card game by Planet Earthlings Foundation. The game is played out in public and players practice random acts of kindness and playful deeds to bring joy to others. Kids shared who played the game “First I thought it is UNO game. Then Someone told it is adventurous. I felt happy giving…

  • Make own Breakfast

    Often we are served food.Often we do not know what goes into the making of a meal.Often it becomes ‘messy’ when many are in the kitchen, especially if it a ‘child’.But that ‘mess’ and that ‘individual’ choices makes the learning spicyOne of those days announced ‘make your own breakfast’.Basic ingredients of sandwiches and the kitchen…

  • Teachers Training with Myrada

    Often we are asked ‘how do children learn by self?When MYRADA asked us to share about open learning with teachers from govt school, we felt kids themselves can share their journey.Teachers training for an NGO MYRADA (for govt school teachers) on understanding child led open learning. A team of Leela, Skanda, Lakshmi, Vaibhavi, Nandini, Krishna,…

  • Know your Car

    It began with a session by a child in midweek magic. The first session was on ‘introduction to the car engine and car parts”. It’s interesting to knowour own car, the car in which we travel, but strange to know how does it work? We have opened our car few times and exploredit functioning. The…

  • Red

  • Road to Plan

    Some kids like road, travel and vehicles. One of the child brought a ‘road map’ tool to plan our day. We drew road map of our work. And predicted – what will be the speed breakers? Where all do you need signal? Where all need traffic poilce to keep an eye? Where all will be…

  • Saga of Accountant

    Journey of accountant, Pratyaksh – He first experiened the work scope for a week. He appeared for the interview and after some thought he was accepted job of ‘Aarohi Accountant’. This journey was not so easy for him. He began with understanding money entries, managing day to day expenses. Daily gyan from Ratnesh was normal…

  • Gossip and Thoughts

    Gossip and teasing…very common topic to ponder at Aarohi. We are bitten by this bug of teasing from time to time. We bring this from time to time So what is the need was first thought – to be at par, to be in certain company, feel superior, have fun, time pass. And what it…

  • Trips and Purpose

    Preparation for the outstation trip started with a question ‘what all activities we can do?’. ..initially, activities were listed what we anyway do at the campus like trekking, camping, bird watching, meeting people etc. So the next question was “why are we going?” We went deeper on the purpose of the trip with a question…

  • Awareness

    Explored Mindfulness on Awareness. We began with understanding three zones of awareness Awareness of the outside world….includes what you hear, see, feel, also includes where is your attention on (others around you) ? Awareness of the inside world…what you feel Inside, how is your stomach responding, where do you feel tightness when you are stuck…

  • Owl Watching

    Owl experience. My birding started last year when I was just looking at bird, I got interested in that particular bird and that bird was an Owl. so then I attended bird race in bangalore I got to see many new birds there. Then almost a year I have been doing birding in campus only.…

  • Tent and Learning

    Small tent easily available at every toy shop. Journey began with my daughter playing her doll inside it, when she was a toddler (now she is 18yrs old). After that my son played hide and seek endlessly (and then grew out of it). While my kids played, we only assembled and made it available for…

  • 19 at Campus

    This week 19 of us at campus, many absent celebrating Deepawali at home and some were sick. It was pin drop silence at 12pm at campus on Thursday. One would easily get confused, if it was holiday at campus. Eaach one of us in our corners were busy doing something – It has been roller…

  • Neighbourhood Deepawali

    Deepawali, a festival to celebrate together. We wanted to celebrate with our neighbourhood, but were apprehensive ‘how will they take it or we ourselves will feel it awkward’. Well, the first barrier broken when MunirajAnna nad Manji Akka himself called us to visit village. Some of us who were at campus, enjoyed bring and sweet…

  • Images

    InHelp matessession – we felt the needs for children to become aware of the kind of images they have of themselves.So we began our journey of exploring self-images The first question was ‘What kind of person I think I am?’ The responses were -Independent,Reserve,Silent,Intelligent,Sensitive to others,Optimistic,Thinker,Simple,Hardworking,To be with me,Contended, Satisfied,Persistence,Non-ambitious,Confident,Trustworthy,Outdoor,Pessimistic,Creative The second question was “What…

  • Panels in Helpmates

    Complains for few of hitting, interfering, hurting, screaming, not listening, not following safety codes, touching personal body parts. All complaisn are GOOD NEWS As they allow us to TRY Solution of ‘children panels’ for children Each one got a charged sheet with details Each one had a panel to guide and suggest Each one got…

  • Magic with Anias

    Some kids were planning dance session with Anias…we threw the challenge of preparing and practicing dance for the show (final product). Initial reaction was ‘how can we do that?’ Finally, they took up the challenge. First day went into debating, arguing and idea exchanging. Soon they realized that they need to listen to each other…

  • Singing with open heart

    We sing for our pleasure…many kids who would show apprehension to dance and sing in public have started singing and dancing with free spirit.The apprehsion was ‘other will laugh at me’. We stlll laugh when we are not able to control, but we laugh with pleasure. Evening music jam has helped many of us to…