A group of Children volunteered to setup a library in a class.
This decision left them with pondering questions – about location for library? where do we get books for library? what kind of books? Can we get books from library ? what if library does not have books ? can we get our old story books from home ? can we ask from our teachers and collect books ? How do we maintain books ? how to share responsibility ? what if children took books home / tear the books / loose the books ? Whom to ask permission ? will the teacher permit ?
Finally they worked together in finding solutions, convinced teacher for setting up a library , made rules , named the location, talked to friends about the maintaining books, concern for keeping books open.
Working of Library: Few children used books from library in their lunch time, few could not find time as there were exams , few wanted to read ? few wanted more varieties of books? Few did not want to read ? few wanted to use books to read with all.
I was amazed to explore the journey of children where they thought of making a library room at the center of school , with bricks and build by themselves , looking for cost and materials , sanction of funds and then finally satisfied to set up in their own class and took forward the decision to class teacher , asked permission , got books from library committing to return back every week. The whole process of churning in the child’s mind is a loving journey to experience when i saw a smile of achievement when they announced the opening of library.
The whole process of setting up library gave this group of children a lovely opportunity to work with ownership, commitment,team work, leading the group and responsibility.