Group of children wanted to explore first aid.
They wanted to make a kit in their classroom. They pondered about how to make the kit? why do we need kit in classroom?
They felt its good to have one in class room.
Next week the group came up with first aid box filled with medicines. Kit consisted of syringe , needle , Electoral powder , painkiller tablets , antibiotic, cotton , asthalin drops , distilled water. We pondered about the items – why , when and how to use the medicine kept in first aid kit, are we trained to use syringe and needle?what if we use medicine without knowing what it does? what kind of medicine do we need to keep in our first aid kit?
We decided to find out more details about every medicine we keep in our first aid kit.
Next week the kit came up with Cotton, Band aid, Dettol, Electoral. This time we again pondered about why cotton? why bandaid? why dettol ?
Few answered for cleaning hurt. We then questioned why, what kind of hurt, when and how to use ?
What is Electoral powder? children answered, it is used to stop loose motion, and we mix with water and did not know about quantities.. This time we wanted to ponder about finding correct usage of Electoral powder?
We also had a concern of children taking band aid just like that and so they wanted to keep in safe place where others can’t see.
Our journey continues to explore on purpose and place for first aid kit and making an instruction sheetabout when,what and how to use our first aid kit.