Elephants passed through campus. The news can bring shiver or curiosity. At Aarohi we became more curious to know about their movement. Many questions were floating
Why did they come inside?
What do they come in for?
What did they?
Where do they go?
Can they harm us?
Can we harm them?
How to understand their needs?
As a part of campus training, one child worked on the same. The making of the presentation was supported by a meeting with forest officer, reading more, referring to the previous presentation and research, understanding needs of elephants and our needs. The presentation and open discussion on our fear helped to understand elephant more and made us more comfortable with their movement. We are more educated on the topic.ImagineAarohi, a life education, where learning happens because children want to learn from their life – for their life.
Every Alternate week, some kids make a presentation on the topics chosen by them. The topics are often related to life at the campus.
Next topic is on Forest fire. Making of presentations require an understanding of the situations, meeting people, reading, recommending and also implementing necessary steps at the campus.