Group of children conducting sports:
Few children wished to conduct sports. Only constraint given we all need to play one game and all are included in the game. They explored different sports item in school,listed different games and pondered on which one to play? Explored ground if we can play the game in the ground? Is it safe to play ? How can we include everyone in the game?
Finally they chose one game. Now we pondered on how to conduct the game ? what are the rules to be followed in the game ? The group took two weeks of time to ponder on condcuting sports. We decided once the team is ready we will schedule the game.
As soon as i entered the session children shared they were ready for sports. One class had put the Kabaddi rules on the display board and were awaiting for the session. Two classes had decided to play Kho Kho and pondered about rules. One child in the group spent time on writing , while other members in the group were making the boundaries. All groups had mentally prepared for conducting sports.
We again pondered on How to form the group? which group need to play first ? which group is runner and chaser ? the number of children are more than the group size so what do we do ? They quickly pondered on. Each one in the group were so co-operative, there were no arguments, no fights, i could only see the work happening. I could see the wish and curiosity to play and conduct the sports.
It was time to start the sports and one child makes groups, briefs the rules. They asked aunty to be the referee for the game and the group members wanted to play. I was puzzled and said hey guys you all are conducting the game and how can i be referee. I am not part of conducting team and i cannot be referee. So the conducting group had to take initiative to referee the game. They were disappointed , pleaded if they can play and atlast they accepted their group will manage the game and referee the game.
Kabaddi Game started. Game was boy v/s girls. Groups were 10 ineach team and extra group will wait out for their turns. Few in conducting team could not manage their temptation to play, few joined, and again called out , few seriously refereed the game , few were screaming for rule violation, few were frustrated. They were managing the team and found extra people could not wait for their turns and in temptation to play, they joined the group, they were not able to identify who was out and who were waiting for turns , little chaos, little excitement, little hesitation to play, little noise. Overall there was satisfaction to few that they played and for few they could not play and conducting team left with dissatisfaction of not playing but a sense of achievement to conduct. This group decided to play again next week with proper planning and demanded co-operation from all.
KHo Kho: Game was played against Boys v/s girls. They had toss for choosing runners. boys as runners they did not want to become out from girls.ther were comments for running, catching, asking for kho , to run fast, to chase fast , to make them out, ooh aah ouch every time they missed to catch, few chased in between, few forgot rules, few run and run chasing without giving kho. It was chaos with fun. We played for a short time but still each one had a smile of playing outdoor game. A sense of fulfilment in the conducting team.
The conducting team went through were questioning rounds, different emotions while conducting , take care of temptations , take care of group, timeliness, and they exhibited a great skill in handling the group. Challenges also like playing the game iin silence without sound as other classes had exams which was a challenging constraint in sports.
HaHA i enjoyed the game and felt in love with all children for their lovely adapting skills.