
Anna impressed us with her amazing energy. She is a nanny in England, enjoys her job and described as ‘one of the best thing of her life’. Very natural with art, she created magic at the entrance ofAarohi. She converts child’s art in printable forms and wishing to earn money to support education in Greece for refugees. She loves cooking and she baked and cooked for all of us tirelessly. She inspired us.
She shared “Hi, I am a welsh girl living in London for the past 8 years. I am a freelance designer, and my 4 biggest passions in life are children, animals, art and nature. I have always enjoyed helping others it is something I take much pleasure in doing, and using my skills in areas needed.I have always wanted to travel to India, my friend went WOOFING in India for 3 months and it just looks like a life experience that’s worth living. End of August my nanny job in London ends and I would like to come to India in September.I can’t wait for this experience and be able to live sustainably and just to get out of the big smoke they call London!Self References: -I have been volunteering with the refugee crisis in Kos, Leros and Athens. Night shifts waiting for the dinghies to come over from Turkey, greeting the refugees with dry clothes and blankets. Giving people their basic needs, and entertaining all the children, whilst thinking of what can be done to help the situation further.
She expressed her deep sadness for the refugees, children of refugees suffering from no food, clothes, shelter.few dying.children left on streets.She shared everything was perfect in life and not seen any suffering until she saw the children of refugees suffering. She wept with sadness for childrenand pledged to dedicate her life toeducating these refugee children.
AtAarohiwe always believed ‘one does not need to teach a child, we just need to be there to create an environment’, she did it. She worked in kitchen cooking happily and experimenting, working on Mural, sketching and reading while resting and teaching (whosoever asked for) converting their art into printable.
Herexperience”Aarohi life what can I say about this school. It was a breath of fresh air, coming from London with many friends who are teachers here always complaining about how much pressure is on them to get children to reach certain targets, yourealizeits a load of nonsense. Ilearnedthat we all develop at different stages and Aarohi set a foundation where you learn about reallife, not just Shakespeare and Henry 8th. You learn about living a sustainableeco-friendlylife. It was incredible seeing the children plantheir day, from planting vegetables to making tepee bathrooms, cooking with wood fires, solar cookers, learning how to manage money, making music together, I was truly inspired. Energy came fromnowhereand the days just flew by.Children were taught about discipline and handwork, the morning workouts were brilliant, and it was great to see children doing at least 4 hours of sports a day. I am a designer in London but also a part time nanny andit’sbeen great implementing the things Ilearnedat Aarohi and telling the boys all the stories of thismarvelousschool. I thinkit’sa great place to visit with your children, so much freedom. I had the best time there, amazing hosts, amazing family, inspirational children. I had never heard of a child led school before, but this concept really works, you have to see for yourself.”.