Journey of accountant, Pratyaksh – He first experiened the work scope for a week. He appeared for the interview and after some thought he was accepted job of ‘Aarohi Accountant’.
This journey was not so easy for him. He began with understanding money entries, managing day to day expenses. Daily gyan from Ratnesh was normal for him. Sometimes I would feel bad ‘baccha hai’, But Ratnesh and Pratyakshproved me wrong. . He realized ‘good hand writing’ is requiredfor entriesin account book, he worked on it. Well, I was surprised he continued, he would lie down on floor, dance all over to match his accounts. Soon he learn the dynamics of daily accounts.
Now it was the turn for entries in account package. He went through one intro session understanding what is debit and credit, understanding various payments and so on. He again surprised me with his skills to learn. He would still get gyan lectures from Ratnesh, they would fight on daily basis ‘who will do what and when’. The saga was not over, he would get mails from parents asking for immediate actions, settle accounts immediately and so on. He sailed through. He was given the deadline to finish his pending works and he accepted the challenge. He did most of it!
The tor-MENTOR Ratnesh expressed ‘satisfaction’. Saga continues…