Complains for few of hitting, interfering, hurting, screaming, not listening, not following safety codes, touching personal body parts.
All complaisn are GOOD NEWS
As they allow us to TRY
Solution of ‘children panels’ for children
Each one got a charged sheet with details
Each one had a panel to guide and suggest
Each one got the opportunity to select or reject what others raised as concerns
Each one set with panel to THINK and SOLVE problems
Each one spoke, Each one was heard
Problem is not solved
As it never get solved the way one wants
The ways are different
We only create ‘AWARNESS’ and value Reflection (or thought) – When I think through a situation, when I reflect back on what I did and when I introspect as to what happened I learn how to learn. I learn to make better decisions, I learn to progress and grow, I develop WISDOM.