Author: admin
Water Fetching
Bore well motor under repair No drinking water at campus Akkas decided to fetch from nearby place Some more joined Realized ‘its tough’. And water is ‘PRECIOUS’
Dariya Dil Dukan and Deepawali celebrations
Dariya Dil Dukan as part of Deepawali celebration at Aarohi – a concept of gifting for love. We began our day with cleaning Orion courtyard all together and in few hours we created wonders – some made mud flooring below the tree while some decorated the courtyard with stone art. As this was first experience…
Sustainable Education
I was called to give a presentation on SUSTAINABILITY and education by IIM Lucknow. Below is the presentation I used and also some notes from the talk. NOTES: Education is about living, and living by its definition has to be sustainable. Is education trying to just feed the children – knowledge. Is this sustainable? Am…
My Journey of PMO
My journey of PMO, ( PRESENTER MEDIA OFFICER ) all it started by a small notice, that made me interested to work on it. with determination went for Interview, had a long talk about what i want to learn, how will I Face my challenges and many other… first video was interesting i made a…
Logic Fun
Logic games with Satendra. Exploring coding, decoding, hacking, encryption, use of algorithm in coding all just by playing games, no computer screen. Played Robot cards to understand how programming works. Enjoyed and had fun when our robots went bonkers. And at the end music with free spirit was lively. Satendraa Shared ‘Logicfun is just a…
Mobile Toilet
Got to see this on internet. The concept is amazingly simple A water-less, odorless, cost-less, mobile (easy to install) urinal – with the huge benefit that the stored urine can be used as fertilizer to the plants – after diluting it with water either directly or in Drip irrigation tanks. The plastic Ball in the…
With Eva and Alban
We believe each individual is a wonderful story and our children would benefit by getting exposed to your story. Aarohi is a learning space where there is no curriculum, no teaching, no classes. We simply learn from whomsoever we can. Personal presentation is part of any volunteer visiting Aarohi….this is one the way to know…
Medical Chart
Falling sick is good news – it allows us to look at it and understand for each body, as each one of us are different. All of us have some or the other medical issues – some of us get cold, some get cough, fever, acidity, wheezing, flatulence, etc. Sometimes children get ailment and ask…
Team of three in outdoor Churning their minds on where to go Camping brings fire Detriminded to make it happen Planned, practiced and put it together Three kids who have not arranged for any camping earlier, decided to organize camping for the group. They began with writing notice to bring clarity with check list of…
A small fire in the bushes Trained team of children leading their way Knowing what to do Conquer the fire Furthershare their experience and train others Experiencing what does a leader means Knowing what does life skills means Exploring what does doing means Can a campus teach? ImagineAarohiwhichdoes not make the learning easy. Children like…
Snacks Time
Some starting campus care late Some reaching late for snacks Some reaching late for sports Its true life is chain reaction. We pondered ‘how to reach in time for community sports?” Some wanted more time forsnacks Some wanted more time for Camus care None wanted to reduce sports time With clarity of the needs, we…
Visit to Narayana Hospitals
Visit toNarayanaHealthCity made us even closer to hospitals. Often not a place for kids to visit or even think about it, MrRaghvendraoffered us to visit when we did not need it (none was sick). Looking at life so closely in hospitals made all of us even more sensitive for the gifts of life we have.…
Baking and Determination
This team surprised me with planning baking activity today. I was not prepared as I had planned some other activity. But their determination was laudable….I had to accommodate their planning. First constraint given to them was “exact measurements”. They took up the challenge and soon there was discussions on what is 1/2 LTE and one…
Community Sports
Community Sports. Community sports is like something we all play together different ages from 8 To 50. We fight, debate, fall, sit out we do different things. each child has Some want to Win want to be first some like shouting ad playing some just enjoy playing the game. We play different variety of sports…
Intro Session
Finally after 5 months I was super excited to be with kids…..Could notice the same with them too…. We greeted each other by pulling our ears.. Kids sat in a circle and played a ball game. Whoever gets the ball shared their name and a dream that they have… Few shared they get dream to…
Hands on Multiple Intelligence
Offering to as many children – from the surrounding villages – an environment, opportunities and invitations to lead their own learning, thinking, development and destiny,we go to Government schools during weekdays.We want that, without any value judgment of socio-economic or geographical background, open learning reaches all. In one of the session, we explored multiple intelligenceusing…
Resource Reverence
The occasion of Ayudha puja brought an opportunity to come closer to our resources. The whole community worked on cleaning and sorting our resources and resource spaces we use. Parents recorded and shared their stories of resources they used in their childhood, shared what was precious and what was available in abundance. We celebrated with…
Last week of life
If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I’m about to do today.” And whenever the answer has been, “no” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” Inspired by Steve Job “last day” we planned our weekly planing this week “If…
One child had put up Barbecue while making menu for the week, Barbecue was planned for dinner, He was confident that he will prepare for Barbecue in hours time in the day time and then barbecue in coal in the night. We have been failing in our barbecue till now.Few more joined, they spent four…
Can touch communicate? We explored in our mindful activity touch with communicating with touch – How we can communicated just by hands touching other’s hands (and eyes and mouths closed). We expressed various emotions via our hands and realise touch can say so much!
Raja’s Farm
It began with a child initiated the drive to arrange for the outdoor. He was so much into making the schedule, calling up, finding information, route map he was totally into it for the whole 3 days to get the complete information. At times, rolled with struggle to decide, screamed at others with tension in…
Story of resources
Do you wonder how we used our resources? What was precious for us and what was in abundances? Parents sharing their childhood stories with the community. They shared how one pen was precious or that one round of bike was important or water was precious and how one pencil stayed long and longer. As parents…
Operating manual of your child
Children are not the product which can be operated with the help of a manual. Yet children expect us to deal with them in a specific. Let’s explore what parenting manual will children give us.
Reflection – Why and Hows
Reflection is one of the best to tool to bring self awareness. Education is nothing but being self aware. Understand how reflection helps and how do we do it.
Learning from the humble ‘DIYA’
Have we qualified to be a parent? Well it is a life skill. Like any other life skill one needs to keep on unlearning and relearning the parenting. Learn the art of understanding and enlighten your child’s life like a Diya.
Unlearning Time
How about scoring some marks to unlearn all the rules of parenting or teaching? Shed all such beliefs and experience the magic of child weaving his or her own life.