Author: admin
What is Mysticism? A session on mysticism with Aparna started with this question. What is “Mystic”?Few words describing Mysticism – Power, believing, honey, grass, fire, tree, birds, rain, ants, leaf, moon, water, wind, sun, star, house fly, air, mountain, plants, sky…For a moment keep aside your information, your identity, your ideas, your name, your nationality,…
Gas Turbine with Kowshik
Often asked…who are the teachers in open learning? How do they learn?We learn, not by teachers but by the people in the industry. We always don’t learn only when we have needs. We learn whatever comes on our way as we are not chasing any curriculum or defined time or outcome. We learn without any…
Malwa Kabir Yatra
A humbling experience of living music and Kabir with various musicians, singers and Kabir lovers in Malwa Kabir Yatra. We traveled to various places – village or city it was no different as it was Kabir and music. We heard music in various places – open grounds, fields or auditorium, it was no different as…
Wondering and Learning Journey
He has a fear of water. He prefers snorkeling over deep-sea diving (later he finished deep-diving course too 🙂 He loves surfing but has a fear of unknown water. A few years back he made a raft and paddled across a pond – he just wanted to make, didn’t want to indulge in understanding the…
Menu Manager
Understanding what is a balanced diet, why carbohydrates in our meal or the role of protein? The finding balance of various grain is confusing. And catering to the needs of different needs of all taste/cultures is frustrating. And with all this also to understand the difference between rice and millets is a mind-boggling task. But…
Story of jobs at Aarohi
A look at jobs at Aarohi – A belief “who says jobs are only for adults or only for who knows the work. Can one learn while doing? Can one learn because one wants to learn?”. We have hilarious stories about all our jobs – some jobs bring excitement and die down, while some bring…
Water Pump
He imagines what he wants to make He describes what he wants to make he is clear what he wants to make He makes what he wants to make He has a scientific mind He learns by observing He observes what is around him He observes people working He observes how things work. Watch video…
Learn and Teach
He got interested in Telescope.He started liking astronomy.He became our telescope man.He took the challenge to take an hour of a session (Jatre) on space. He worked many hours to prepare for this session. He shared What are planets?What is the moon?What are comets and asteroids?What are stars?What is a galaxy?What is a black hole?A…
My Journey – Dhrupad
He is a fast learner, imaginative, connect various experiences, persistence (in the area of interest), understand the process, learn from people who have skills. He is showing interest in writing, making things traveling, adventure and various other things like presentation, reading,, sketching, designing, cooking…Imagine, Aarohi an open learning community where there is no curriculum, the…
My Journey – Imaad
Showing strength in painting, making things, understanding electronics, knowing technology, filmmaking, photography, and sketching. Innovative, likes to try new things and courageous and adventurous especially with body intelligence activities (like climbing, jumping etc). Strong with verbal and theater kind of skills, as well as comfortable with talking to others, making friends with all ages and…
Inspiration – Motivation
Do we really need this concept called motivation? Can we not examine, a little bit more carefully, as to how we all operate, including children. One child was working on repairing bulbs, other three got interested and inspired they joined him. One child was playing keyboard, another adult at the campus got inspired and started…
Jingle-Mingle, was an event to connect with children who were earlier part of Aarohi campus, but had now moved on to other learning endeavours. Jingle Mingle began with planning, sending out invites by mail, calling, scheduling and the preparation. The community came together to prepare, decorate and make gifts for all the old kids coming…
Jingle-Mingle to understand self in a social environment. We live together but not necessarily we mingle with each other. We live together but not necessarily we connect with each other. To explore what human relationships can be beyond just a statement ” my friend or not my friend”. The first step was to explore what…
Our Tippy Tap broke. He was given the task to repair. He was given the ideas. He just needed to work (hands-on). He postponed for few days. Finally, he started. He was surprised with self when he cut the first box. He did not stop after that. He made it. We used it and tested…
Story of Struggle
We needed a slab to keep extra luggage in the one of the room. One of the children who like construction work took the initiative. This is not just a slab, this is the story of self-motivation, struggle, and achievements. He was excited to use old glass bottles to make a slab. He measured, cleaned…
Story of Growing
Self-driven sketching lessons – no teachers, no curriculum, no exams, no certificatesLearning from various resources, peers, and self.With determination, discussion and doing. Each one has a driven reason to sketchOne wants to beat his sister in sketching perfection.Other one liked it since childhood.One wants to just practice. Imagine, Aarohi – An Open Learning Community where…
Magic of 1
Magic of 1 Magic of 1 is a concept created in Aarohi to do things slowly and get better. The concept is that I take one thing and do it for many days I become better the magic is that by doing little little every day and slowly getting to know that thing. My experience…
Feel Electronics
Have you ever seen electronics? When one talks about pottery, one can see the clay and pot. When one talks about carpentry one can see the tools and joints. But when talking about electronics, one can really not see the current passing. We often connect with the world around us using five senses…but with electronics,…
Celebrating interdependence this week at Aarohi.But what is Interdependence? How is this different from depending?We often talk about being independent, but do we really exist in isolation or independently? You musthave heard about the independence day but not interdependence day? One child said, “I am good with drawing and with my efforts, I can excel…
IDEC- Logo
Inspiration fromFew words – democracy, peace, world, education, diversity, Few designs by kids – Earth and people around, earth and tree aroundWarli painting – lifestyle, representing democracyColour Palette – colors of India, culture, visual identity of mud walls, colorful costumes, Peacock feathers and Golden Ratio – Inner and outer circle (5:8) All mixed together became…
Friday special Sports
No occasion No event It was just simply “Friday special”. Some like to play matches Some like to win Some likes to make teams All needs fell into place with one Friday special – early morning matches, then another match then another match and that’s all.
Film Making with Ally
She is 14yrs old, she has just finished a filmmaking course, she wanted to share her learnings with us at Aarohi. She prepared a presentation on filmmaking and she took a session with us. She also worked on making a film with some of us. It was great having heratAarohi. We had a wonderful session…
First Aid Training
So many kids are not hurt – They are just going through the first aid training. Getting closer to our own life!
The Myth of (bad) Habits
Each habit serve some purpose. Good or bad habits are relative perceptions. More often parents and children lock horn on habits because of this relative perception. Let’s question some of our beliefs around bad habit and burst the myth around bad habits.
Sack of Hay
Our first crop – we got the sack of hay in bonus along with the Ragi. After cutting it the hay sack was veryinviting to jump and play and just connect with. We have never touched a sack of hay or jumped into them. It was softer, it was bouncy, it was pure fun playing…
Grow and Glow
What is life education? What is open learning? Is it all about “what I want to learn, how want to learn and when I learn”? Is it so simple! Just the life…making a name plate using cross stitch, making bird house, cooking for all in the community, harvesting Ragi, going for film making workshop, attending…