Author: admin

  • Autonomy

  • Gap year to Discover self

    She came in search of herself. She finished 11th and took the plunge into gap year. She shared “I have been staying in Aarohi for 5 months .It was a very good experience . I think a child gets a lot of options to choose his interest in what he /she has .I got to…

  • Change your mindset and then your words

    This makes sense for us as guide, facilitator or parents.We are often stuck in the situation where we find it difficult to change the mindset of the child. The child continues to think the way the child is thinking.Maybe changing our words may help them to look at things differently. For me, the first table…

  • Working Mom!

    Someone asked, “any working parents homeschooling their kids?” For all practical purposes, I have always been working mother! and our kids have “working parents”. Here is about me as working mom! People can label me “workaholic” but working or the need of my time was never an issue to homeschool my kids. I was never…

  • My Journey – Yashas

    Showing interest in football, construction, athletics, wall climbing, rock climbing, sessions conducting, water sports, few childhood games, art, electrical, business, bird watching, and gardening. An active, hardworking, organized, inspiring child who likes beauty in work and things and understand feedback. Showing interest in painting, construction, sports, adventure, photography, theatre and electronics. He likes to do…

  • Joy of continuous learning – Week 4 – summer 2018

    The fourth week of summer began with parents and kids joining with a constraint that kids are not kids and parents are not parents but all are equal. The equality is not easy but the week began with experiencing the life in a space where all are equal and all needed to speak for themselves…

  • Joy of learning with all ages

    Different ages – Different skills and the joy is learning from each other – from different ages. 7yrs old Advay was not too small to set up a learning stall to teach “how to cut wood using a saw”. 9yrs old Prapullawas not too shy to set up a learning stall to teach storymaking. 47yrs…

  • Letter to Mom

    The joy of writing a letter to mother. We received a kit from “Battees”, Delhi basedorganization run by Shivani and Harnehmat. The kit is designed to encourage writing letters. This brought an opportunitytopauseand think about one person in ourlivesand connect througha letter. All ages participated with joy to write a letter to their mother. Thank…

  • Story of learning process

    She was introduced to Mandala designs.She loved itShe spent hours in scribbling.She practiced patternsShe tried on different surfaces – a book, book cover, mud…She drew different designsShe painted Mandala on a wallShe started a wall mural with mudShe started taking sessions in learning events at AarohiShe designed while traveling, free timeShe is growing each day…

  • Experiencing Open Learning – summer week 3 – 2018

    Openlearning is not only about children but it’s about all of us. It’s about life and not only about learning. We don’t want in our life someone else to dictate. We like to do what we like to do, it’s “me” driven, “me” leader of my life. If we are an essential creature who likes…

  • Emotions

    I am sad, I am angry, I am bored…do the feeling have limited vocabulary? Or we feel only within these limited reach of feelings? What about the feeling of rejection, respect, joy, peaceful, remorse, hostile, inferior, superior, dejection, success, overwhelming…To explore the vocabulary of feelings, the game of making a tower with playing cards was…

  • My SPACE

    Empowerment means “I am able”. We believe we all require self-reflection to truly understand our potential. Introduced S.P.A.C.E. framework as a way to explore self. We did this with small activities for each element of SPACE. Realise that “I am the only one who will stay with myself the whole life”, realise how important it…

  • Strengths and Weakness

    Strengths and Weaknesses are like Hero and the Villan of a movie. The hero in the movie is always nice and full of goodies while the Villan in any movie is always bad and ugly. None wants to be Villan but all aspire to be Villan! Why it is good and bad about strengths and…

  • Experiencing life at Aarohi

    Vishruthi, a mother of 2-1/2 yr old boy, a passionate RJ by profession visited Aarohi during summer- sharing her experience. Honestly, Aarohi experience is unique in its own way. Something we (city people) don’t even think or consider, you guys are practicing that in your lifestyle. It lot many ways I have started rethinking the…

  • Story of Trampoline

    The joy was planning a whole day trip to buy TrampolineThe joy was in assemblingby selfThe joy was in understanding its componentThe joy was in debating and arguing in assembling the TrampolineThe joy was in installingThe joy was in understanding the do’s and dont’s of careThe joy was in the whole process. Bhargav, Aparna, andAchileshdonated…

  • Contribution

    Celebrating “contribution”. The week began with a simple act of contributing to the Rangoli on the floor to welcome – Just a few dots on the floor. Each one contributed in their own way. The creation was different from one person making with one point of view. A contribution is not only about contributing to…

  • Food

    Food is very talked about topic – how much to eat, what to eat, eat for growing bodies, eat this food and avoid this food. This brought an opportunity for each one of us read and research by self to be able to take our own decisions. Some read about food during the festival of…

  • Story of clarity

    This is the story of two equally clear and determined minds. He is 7 yrs old and I am 47 yrs old. We both are clear about our needs. He often comes to me with other clear needs and leaves giving me a clear message. We normally don’t get into any clash. Last week during…

  • Many Teachers

    multiple children of different ages presented 10 minutes session on an area of their interest. One talked about bacteria inplantsand microscope. He took few hours for this 10 minutes session – reading, researching and compiling the information. One taught a magic trick. He knew the tricks. He spent time in preparing material for each participant…

  • SDL / Aarohi at Home

    Who is this child? Who is this learner? Do we understand him or her? Do we know what lies inside and in the future of each? Who will show them, teach em, lead em. Each child is CAPABLE To Dream, To Think, To Decide, To Do, To Fail, To Achieve, To Assess, To Learn, To…

  • Learning Utsav – A new Beginning

    The story of Learning Utsav at Aarohi started with one thought “What if at one place, on the same day, there are lots and lots of people … children, young adults, parents, senior citizens … all with different gifts, coming together to create the magic of co-learning. Learning Utsav, where anyone can teach, anyone can…

  • Dreams and Action at Summer 2018 – Week two

    Aarohi, is a kitchen, not a restaurant. A kitchen where you get the raw material and cook your learning for yourself. It’s not a restaurant where you are served to learn. No pre-decided activities, no forecast of results, no teachers, no teaching. It all about dreams and desires one have for self. It’s all about…

  • Climbing wall

    A small spark “make a climbing wall. A complicated design to begin with which was rejected by the team of kids. The idea of a simpler design to make it on the existing old bus wall was passed. Kowshik, a climber by passion joined, another visitor at the camps joined and loads of excitement was…

  • A week at Aarohi

    One week at Aarohi is a lot to do and lot to experience. Someone visiting Aarohi said, “my days have doubled here, I realized I have much more time than I think”. We learn from each guest as they bring a different learning experience and inspire with their story and passion. The idea is simple.…

  • The journey of flowers

    She got interested in wildflowers.She would go around the campus in search of flowers. She would spend hours observing those flowers, spot tiniest of the flower while walking around.This year she started reading about flowers in details. Then she got interested in taxonomy and she started reading more about them.Now she is reading botany books…

  • The journey of Astronomy

    We got a new telescope last year.He got interested in assembling the telescope.In the process of assembling he got introduced to using the telescope.He got interested in setting up the telescope.He would set up the telescope for anyone interested to watch the moon with its creatorsHe would get up 5 in the morning to trace…

  • Business persepctive

    Often earning is limited to gaining degrees. But we fail to recognize our own strengths and interests. How about learning to hone our skills and sell them to earn rather earning by doing what we don’t want to do. Celebrating “Business” this term at Aarohi. Just think for a moment to make the business out…

  • Discovery of Freedom with Responsibility – Summer 2018 – week one

    Responsibility is the word often comes when we talk about open learning. Often a doubt is raised “If its free, will the child be responsible or how do I make a child responsible?” At Aarohi we do not make children responsible, they are responsible (this is the belief we began with). Once we change this…

  • Understanding the world around us

    Frogs are slimy, yucky and wired. Lizards bring screeches. Snakes mean poisonous bites. Are these some of the common images, impressions, and reactions about the insects and wildlife around us? At the campus with rain and heat frogs population has increased. Lizards, Spiders, and snakes were always around us. And all of them together brings…

  • Story of outdoor gym

    A small spark “make a pull-up bar for fitness”, few resources – a ladder, few oldtyres, few ropes, determination and lots of energy enthusiasm. That’s all was needed to make this jungle gym for kids of various ages. Make one pull up bars to have more fun in our fitness routine Make pull up bars…