He got interested in Telescope.
He started liking astronomy.
He became our telescope man.
He took the challenge to take an hour of a session (Jatre) on space.
He worked many hours to prepare for this session.
He shared
What are planets?
What is the moon?
What are comets and asteroids?
What are stars?
What is a galaxy?
What is a black hole?
A video showing comparative sizes of various stars in the universe once again made us realize that we are just a special of the dot in the universe.
He shared “most of the terms were new for him (definitions of stars, planet, black hole etc)”. He learned while he was preparing for the session. He felt that he relied on videos and did notexplain in detail, he felt that he could have read a bit more to be able to explain better.He felt nervous in the beginning, later he felt happy and achieved.
Imagine Aarohi, an open learning community, where we learn when we teach. We have o teachers
Imagine Aarohi, an opnelearning community where we assess ourslesves while we teach and learn. We have no exams.