Dariya Dil Dukan as part of Deepawali celebration at Aarohi – a concept of gifting for love. We began our day with cleaning Orion courtyard all together and in few hours we created wonders – some made mud flooring below the tree while some decorated the courtyard with stone art.
As this was first experience of Dariya Dil Dukan, each one was curious what next, It began with a note ” Think of any thing which you like and you have used enough and now you can share with others (in good condition, so others who are receive your gift can enjoy as much you did). Think of at least one gift that you would love to share. You can bring more gift also. Write a note about that (you can make add beauty to it) – what does that gift means to you, how all you have used, how would you like others to use and so on. The gifts can be any thing which is valuable to you. You may gift clothes, books, and favorite pen, toys, what ever you can possibly think of and afford to share’.