I was called to give a presentation on SUSTAINABILITY and education by IIM Lucknow.
Below is the presentation I used and also some notes from the talk.
- Education is about living, and living by its definition has to be sustainable.
- Is education trying to just feed the children – knowledge. Is this sustainable?
- Am I allowed to dream, what I want to do and how I want to do? Imagine I enter the school and I am asked ‘what do you dream?
- The topic ‘sustainable education’ at IIML conference of sustainability led to exploring ingredients of sustainable education. When I think of education, I think of key ingredients for a self-sustainable education which are
- S stands for self – I studied a whole lot of subjects, I never studied the self. Trying to be aware who am I, how I think, function and live.
- P stands for people – we all live in an interdependent system, we cannot exist all by myself. I need to understand how do I connect with people with each other.
- A stands for agitation – can we not question and make each child think – and out of their thinking would they evolve as sustainable individuals.
- C stands for choices – making learners realize that every single moment we live out of choices, we have always numbers of perspectives, thoughts, and options available. Hence we are aware of the choices – we can automatically over time reach the most optimum solution
- E stands for Enjoyment, the whole idea that we are just not living to live, but to find joy in everything we do. A very fundamental of our existence. Perhaps most important ingredient of our self-sustainable existence.
- Aarohi, no syllabus, no teacher, no structure, each child decide howand want to learn. Environment agitates them, pushes them.
- At Aarohi, we are at the shore of open learning.