Finally after 5 months I was super excited to be with kids…..Could notice the same with them too…. We greeted each other by pulling our ears.. Kids sat in a circle and played a ball game. Whoever gets the ball shared their name and a dream that they have… Few shared they get dream to fly, few said they dream to become a doctor, teacher, collector, engineer, police and few dream to learn well and take care of family. Then we played a freeze game, with the music playing they moved the part of the body thats called out and each time they did actions of an animal or bird or a shape or a part of a tree or an alphabet or just moved and whenever the music stopped they froze as statues… Kids were very eager and attentive to do it. Then they relaxed for a while in padhmasana with their eyes closed and listened to a music.. It was a treat to my eyes to see kids sitting with so much of involvement. Then each of them created a ‘flag of me’ to represent their self. They designed, wrote and drew about what all they like, their favourite animals, sports, place, entertainment, game, snacks, country, languages, friends and made a flag.. Then they used flower actions to show what all they liked, disliked and what all was interesting in the session….. Few kids even shared their experiences……